This work consists of five issues.
The first issue is "Wouldn't Eternal Life in Paradise Be Boring?" People have goals they want to achieve in this world. Most people never achieve their objectives. Some people get everything they want, but after a while, they become immune to their accomplishments and see them as ordinary, and no success or reward can satisfy them. They become dissatisfied with the world. Wealth and power, which once attracted their interest, no longer do. Everyone who enters heaven will have everything they want at that moment. So wouldn't Eternal Life in Paradise Be Boring?
The second issue is "Do All Uncovered Women Go to Hell?" Do all uncovered women go to hell? Will all covered women go to heaven? These questions may drive some Muslims to become delusory or doubtful, just as they may cause non-Muslims to question Islam. This work was written in order to eliminate misunderstandings and delusions on this subject.
The third issue is "Do Apes and Humans Have a Common Ancestor?"
Wouldn't some similarities between humans and apes be considered proof of evolution? Couldn't apes and humans have shared ancestors? Why do apes' biological and behavioral characteristics resemble those of humans? Can the theory of evolution be proven if these similarities are found in other animals, or if more similarities can be found between apes and humans? I have only mentioned one correct answer that can be used to answer all such questions.
The fourth issue is "Is Coronavirus a Divine Warning?"
There are two aspects of the events in the universe. One is the letter meaning, and the other one is the name meaning. Letter meaning: It's looking at the creatures and the entire universe to see signs related to the existence of Allah. They are the arts and works of Him. So it doesn't make any sense on its own, but it points to someone else. Name meaning: it means looking at the creatures and the universe, which are manifestations, arts, and works of the Almighty, on its own account. In other words, looking at the creatures and the universe on their own behalf and cutting off their relationship with the artist. In this work, I've tried to look at the coronavirus issue in letter meaning, contrary to the agenda.
The fifth issue is "If Islam is the true religion, then why did Muslim countries lag behind?" Is there an untruth in Islam?