About the Book
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1920. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... index to Anterior chamber, 8 Antisepsis, 17, 129 Antiseptic dressings, 165 Antiseptics, 65 Antitoxin, diphtheritic, 123 Antitoxins, 44 Applicators, how to wrap with cot-ton, 26 Aqueous humor, 8 Argentamine, 72 Argonin, 72 Argyria, 71 Argyrol, 72 Aristol, 166 Arrangements for operations, 130 Arteria centralis retinae, 12 Artificial eyes, 181 insertion, 182 removal, 182 leech, 90 light for operations, 130 Asepsis, 17, 128, 129 Aseptic dressings, 165 eye-drop bottles, 94 Atropine poisoning, 79, 187 treatment of, 187 sulphate, 79 as anodyne, 80 as mydriatic, 79 as sedative, 79 Bacillus, Klebs-Loeffler, 38 Koch-Weeks, 18 Bandages, 167 application of, 167 double roller, 169 figure of eight, 171 single roller, 167 special, 172 Baths, 137 Bichloride gauze, 165 of mercury, 66. Binocular vision, 14 Bleeding after operations, 143, 158 Blepharitis, 47, 115 Blisters, 77 Bloodletting, 90 Bluestone, 101 Bonnett's capsule, 13 Boracic acid, 90, 102 part I--eye nursing. Absorbent cotton, 162 'Accommodation of the eye, 10, 14 Acetic acid, 72 Acid, acetic, 72 boracic, 65, 90 carbolic, 66 mineral, 185 nitric, 185 sulphuric, 185 tannic, 73 Actual cautery, 78 Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis, 18 Adrenalin chloride, 74 Advancement operation, 125-ffisorcin, 89 After-nursing of eye operations, 149 Agnew solution, 73 Aktol, 72 Alcohol for sterilizing instruments, 139 Allen, R. W 113 Alt's strips, 173 Alum, 72 pencil, 102 Alumnol, 72 Ammonia, burn from, 185 Anesthesia, general, 136 local, 85, 139 Anesthetics, 85 Anatomy of the eye, 3 aqueous humor, 8 choroid, 9 ciliary body, 10 conjunctiva, 6 cornea, 7 crystalline lens, 8 eyebrows, 3 eyelids, 3 iris, 11 lacrymal apparatus, 4 ocular muscles, 5 optic nerves, 12 orbits, 13 retina, 11 sclera, 7 uveal tract, 9 vitreous humor, 8 Andrews's a...