1) Chapter 1: A brief introduction to extrasynaptic GABAA receptors and 'tonic' GABAA receptor mediated inhibition in physiology and disease - Adam C Errington
2) Extrasynaptic GABAA receptors: subunit composition, distribution, and regulation - Jean-Marc Fritschy and Patrizia Panzanelli
3) Biophysical properties of recombinant y2 and d subunit containing GABAa receptors - Robert L MacDonald and Emmanueal J Botzolakis
4) The pharmacology of extrasynaptic GABAa receptors - Keith A Wafford
5) Neurosteroids and extrasynaptic GABAa receptors - William M Connelly
6) Sources of GABA that activate extrasynaptic GABAa receptors - Damian Bright, Catriona Houston and Stephen Brickley
7) Metabotropic receptor modulation of extrasynaptic GABAa receptors - Giuseppe Digiovanni
8) Extrasynaptic GABAa receptors and tonic inhibition in the spinal cord - Emanuel Loeza-Alcocer, Carmen Andrés, Justo Aguilar, Ricardo Felix and Rodolfo Delgado-Lezama
9) The role of peri-synaptic GABAa receptors after stroke - Andrew N Clarkson and Mary Chebib
10) The role of extrasynaptic GABAa receptors in focal epilepsy - Matthew C Walker and Ivan Pavlov
11) Gain-of-function of extrasynaptic GABAa receptors in typical absence seizures - Vincenzo Crunelli, Giuseppe Digiovanni, H. Rheinallt Parri and Adam C Errington
12) GABAergic control of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis: role of extrasynaptic GABAa receptors - Jamie Maguire
13) Tonic GABAa receptor mediated inhbition in frágil X síndrome: A cause of dysfunction or a pathway for cure? - Brandon S Martin and Molly M Huntsman