Turn Your Explosive Child into a Calm and Warm-Hearted Child! Do you have fiercely inflexible children? Have you tried pleading with them just to stop their tantrums?
Your child might be the explosive type, the ones who burst into anger when they don't get what they want. They may be very agreeable at times, but they can be a real pain to handle when they reach their boiling point. You might have tried bargaining, negotiating, and pleading with them to no avail. At some point, you may even have reached your own limit.
This book will help you cope with these kinds of children. You may have arrived at the end of your wits and sought several therapists already. You may feel that your cause is impossible, but this book will show that your child has a great capacity to change. There is a better way than just making them obey you or letting them off the hook all of the time. Your children need your help more than your pleading.
What is Empathy? Does it matter in our society? How can you teach empathy to your children?
Racism, hatred, bullying, and a lot more are very common these days. What if these are the results of parents failing to teach their kids empathy when they were young? When we do not develop this important value, children are unable to process their own feelings and behaviors. In turn, they have difficulty in reaching out to other people. They will have a hard time building deeper relationships with the people around them.
Empathy begins at home. Parents usually tend to focus more on the physical and mental abilities of their children. They would enroll them in art or swimming classes, spend money on musical instruments, or save money for college. But what about good manners, respect, politeness, and kindness? These are the things that you can teach your children for free.
In this book, you will discover:
- The four sets of skills that will help your child become an empathic person
- The 3-step approach to talk to your child without the drama
- The common parenting methods and why it doesn't work in the long term
- The different phases before the explosion and how to prevent it
- The different perspectives in dealing with these children
- How empathy develops in the brain
- How to improve your child's communication and social skills
- How to prevent bullying at school
- How the media affects reality and emotions
- How to teach your children about gender and racial equality
- How to develop your child's self-regulation skills
- Activities that help your child's ability to understand what the other person is feeling or experiencing
- And more!
I am proud to say that I was able to teach all of these to my son despite being diagnosed with ADHD and ODD.
Teaching empathy is the most effective way to raise explosive children. Teach your children now while they are young. As you read this book, you will be able to help your children become happier and more emotionally-mature individuals. Let this book be your guide as you tame the fire of your explosive child.
Get a copy of this book now to learn more!