About the Book
A must read for researchers and practitioners with a personal and professional desire to improve general aviation safety. As a general aviation enthusiast and researcher, the author wants to ensure general aviation remains a viable and flourishing sector of the aviation industry. This book highlights a growing phenomenon of integrating innovative technologies in general aviation. The goal is to ensure technologists, researchers and the aviation industry ameliorate collaborative endeavors to counterbalance the pros and cons of integrating technologies in general aviation to decrease the number of accidents and fatalities. Technologically advanced aircraft are fascinating and pilots with the proper training are able to capitalize on flying advanced aircraft with comparable technologies that are analogous to commercial and military aircraft. This book expounds on general aviation pilots' concerns with integrating glass cockpits in general aviation. The research within corroborates a previous study that technologically advanced aircraft have not improved general aviation safety. At issue are training, safety, proficiency and competency, and aeronautical decision-making implications. General aviation remains under researched when compared to commercial and military aviation sectors. This book provides recommendations for improving general aviation safety by eliminating the after-effects of innovations in general aviation. accidents, adaptable automation, aeronautical decision-making, aeronautical examination, air traffic control, air transport industry, aircraft, analog gauges, assessments, Automation management, autopilot, aviation, aviation leaders, Aviation Safety Officer (ASO), Aviation Safety Program (ASP), avionics, certified flight instructors, cockpit instrumentation, cockpit scanning, cockpit standardization, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), commercial aviation, Crew Resource Management (CRM), curriculum, data analysis, decision-making skills, dispatchers, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), FITS training, Fixed-wing aircraft, flight management systems, flight schools, flight training, Future Aviation Advisory Committee (FAAC), General Aviation Joint Steering Committee (GAJSC), glass cockpits, global positioning systems, Government Accountability Office, ground controllers, Human Factors Analysis & Classification System, International Civil Aviation Organization, National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), National Transportation Safety Board, NextGen, pilots, Safety Management System (SMS), Single-pilot resource management, snowball sampling, technologically advanced aircraft (TAA), training deficiency, van Kaam model
#accidents, #adaptableautomation, #aeronauticaldecision-making, #aeronauticalexamination, #airtrafficcontrol, #airtransportindustry, #aircraft, #analoggauges, #assessments, #Automationmanagement, #autopilot, #aviation, #aviationleaders, #AviationSafetyOfficer(ASO), #AviationSafetyProgram(ASP), #avionics, #certifiedflightinstructors, #cockpitinstrumentation, #cockpitscanning, #cockpitstandardization, #CodeofFederalRegulations(CFR), #commercialaviation, #CrewResourceManagement(CRM), #curriculum, #dataanalysis, #decision-makingskills, #dispatchers, #FederalAviationAdministration(FAA), #FITStraining, #Fixed-wingaircraft, #flightmanagementsystems(FMS), #flightschools, #flighttraining, #FutureAviationAdvisoryCommittee(FAAC), #GeneralAviationJointSteeringCommittee(GAJSC), #glasscockpits, #globalpositioningsystems(GPS), #GovernmentAccountabilityOffice(GAO), #groundcontrollers, #HumanFactorsAnalysisandClassificationSystem, #InternationalCivilAviationOrganization(ICAO), #NationalAeronauticsandSpaceAdministration(NASA), #NationalTransportationSafetyBoard(NTSB), #NextGenerationofAirTransportationSystem(NextGen), #pilots, #SafetyManagementSystem(SMS), #Single-pilotresourcemanagement, #snowballsampling, #technologicallyadvancedaircraft(TAA), #trainingdeficiency, #vanKaammodel
About the Author: Dr. Calvin Nobles is from Mount Vernon, GA and is currently serving in the United States Navy. Dr. Nobles earned a B.S. in Management, a Masters in Aeronautical Science, a Masters in Military Operational Art and Strategy, a Masters of Business Administration, and Ph.D. in Business Administration.
Dr. Nobles' professional works consist of leadership and project management in aviation, cryptology, operations, and military planning areas of expertise. He is a commercial rated pilot and general aviation enthusiast. Dr. Nobles is committed to improving general aviation safety; hence, the reason for this book.
His research focus areas are technology implementation, technological discontinuities, disruptive innovations, and the adverse implications caused by the continuous integration of new technologies in general aviation. Dr. Nobles is a Life Member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated.