1. Background of the Study
India is a country with a rich historical tradition and culture. Though every
culture has its own unique approach towards health, the best and the easiest way to
keep oneself in fit form, is exercise. The most ancient Rishis and sages knew the
secret of good health and practiced various techniques not only to keep them fit but
also free from diseases. However, these ancient practices died a slow death and the
only known form of exercise was working in the fields and doing household
Modern life ha
influence. The internal rhythms, the inherent clock-work-like nature of the nervous
and endocrine systems, have become imbalanced through the effect of stress and
tension, resulting in feeling of discomfort and lack of well-being and leading to
diseases. The brain waves of most normal people clearly indicate lack if integration
between the part of the brain. This shows lack of concentrated harmony between
Research has shown that being physically inactive increases the risk for
disease, disability and even death. Most of the health problems are linked to being
inactive. We want to live longer and even in old age we hope to maintain a high
level of functional fitness. At the beginning of the twentieth century, hardly a small
percentage of the population was doing activity and exercise for the development
of functional fitness. Global warming and pollution cause hypo kinetic diseases
and diseases related to bones. If functional fitness is well maintained, then we can
say good bye to various diseases.