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Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates General & Systemic Pathology: General and Systemic Pathology

Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates General & Systemic Pathology: General and Systemic Pathology


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About the Book

• This book provides basic concepts of diseases to an undergraduate student in a nutshell.
• Concise text in a bulleted form for easy revision.
• Divided into two sections namely General Pathology and Systemic Pathology.
• Section I General Pathology provides an overview of the basic pathologic mechanisms underlying diseases including cellular adaptations, inflammation, tissue repair, chronic inflammation, hemodynamic disorders, immunological disorders, neoplasia and genetics.
• Section II Systemic Pathology deals with chapters devoted to the diseases of various organ systems including vascular, cardiac, respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver and biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, male and female genital tract, bones, endocrines, skin and central nervous system.
• Key words are shown in bold words for rapid revision before examination or viva voce.
• Text boxes have been highlighted at the sides of main text for answering multiple choice questions and commonly expected pathology questions asked during examination.
• Text boxes also provide nice-to-know information for students appearing in postgraduate medical entrance examinations.
• The text is enriched with 354 illustrations, 82 gross photographs, 153 microphotographs, 152 tables, one clinical photograph, 3 x-ray photographs and 12 flowcharts for easy understanding of the subject.
• Readers should give more emphasis to key words highlighted in bold letters.
• Provides insight into etiology, pathogenesis, pathology and the disease course.
• Includes an additional chapter on “Pearls of Hematology”.
• Appendices provide various important bodies and their associated conditions, important cells in various lesions, and pathognomonic structures in diseases.
• Must-have book for the second year medical, dental students and paramedical courses undergoing training.

About the Author

Ramadas Nayak, MBBS MD, Professor , Department of Pathology, Kasturba Medical College,Manipal University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Table of Contents:
SECTION 1: GENERAL PATHOLOGY 1. Cellular Responses to Stress and Injury Types of cellular responses to injury 5 Cellular adaptations 6 Hypertrophy 6 Hyperplasia 9 Atrophy 10 Metaplasia 10 Cell injury 11 Ischemia-reperfusion injury 18 Types of cell injury 18 Necrosis 20 Apoptosis 26 Pathologic calcification 32 Hyaline change 33 Pigments 34 Cellular aging 36 2. Acute Inflammation.....39 Acute inflammation 39 Causes of (stimuli for) acute inflammation 40 Sequence of events in acute inflammation 40 Reactions of blood vessels (vascular changes) 40 Leukocytic/cellular events 42 Chemical mediators of inflammation 48 Cell-derived mediators 49 Plasma-derived mediators 54 Outcomes of acute inflammation 57 Morphological types/patterns of acute inflammation 57 Systemic effects of inflammation 59 3. Wound Healing........................................................................................................................................................................61 Stem cells 62 Cell cycle and cell proliferation 63 Healing by repair, scar formation and fibrosis 65 Cutaneous wound healing 67 Factors that influence wound healing 70 Complications of wound healing 71 Contentsxiv Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates—General and Systemic Pathology 4. Chronic Inflammation............................................................................................................................................................73 Chronic inflammation 73 Granulomatous inflammation 75 Giant cell 76 Granulomatous diseases 76 Leprosy 76 Syphilis 81 5. Hemodynamic Disorders, Thromboembolism and Shock...........................................................................................87 Hyperemia and congestion 87 Edema 91 Functions of normal endothelium 96 Thrombosis 98 Venous thrombosis (phlebothrombosis) 104 Embolism 106 Pulmonary embolism 108 Systemic thromboembolism 109 Fat and marrow embolism 110 Air embolism 112 Amniotic fluid embolism 113 Miscellaneous pulmonary emboli 114 Infarction 114 Shock 116 6. Diseases of the Immune System...................................................................................................................................... 123 Immunity 123 Cells of the immune system 125 Cytokines 128 Hypersensitivity reactions 129 Type I (immediate) hypersensitivity reactions 129 Antibody-mediated (type II) hypersensitivity reactions 134 Immune complex-mediated (type III) hypersensitivity reactions 136 T cell-mediated (type IV) hypersensitivity reactions 140 Autoimmune diseases 143 Immunological tolerance 144 Mechanisms of autoimmunity 146 Systemic lupus erythematosus 147 Major histocompatibility complex molecules 153 Rejection of transplants 155 Immunodeficiency syndromes 160 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 162 Amyloidosis 169 7. Neoplasia ............................................................................................................................................................................... 178 Classification 178 Nomenclature of neoplasms 179 Characteristics of benign and malignant neoplasms 183 Carcinoma in situ 190 Metastasis 190Contents xv Invasion-metastatic cascade (molecular events in invasion and metastasis) 194 Precancerous conditions/lesions 197 Molecular basis of cancer 197 Genetic lesions in cancer 198 Hallmarks of cancer 201 Etiology of cancer (carcinogenic agents) 213 Laboratory diagnosis of cancer 223 Clinical aspects of neoplasia 229 Paraneoplastic syndromes 230 Prognosis 230 8. Genetic Disorders ................................................................................................................................................................ 233 Genes 233 Classification of genetic disorders 234 Mutations 234 Mendelian disorders/single-gene or monogenic disorders 237 Lyon hypothesis 240 Demonstration of sex chromatin 240 Cytogenetics 241 Chromosomal aberrations 243 Lysosomal storage diseases 245 Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) 248 Klinefelter syndrome 249 Turner syndrome 250 SECTION 2: SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGY 9. Vascular Disorders............................................................................................................................................................... 255 Arteriosclerosis 255 Atherosclerosis 255 Aneurysms and dissection 261 Hypertensive vascular disease 266 Vasculitis 270 Vascular tumors 275 10. Heart Disorders .................................................................................................................................................................... 277 Ischemic heart disease 277 Angina pectoris 279 Myocardial infarction 279 Chronic ischemic heart disease 289 Sudden cardiac death 289 Infective endocarditis 290 Rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease 296 Congenital heart disease 302 Left-to-right shunts 303 Right-to-left shunts 307 Obstructive congenital anomalies 309xvi Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates—General and Systemic Pathology 11. Lung Disorders ..................................................................................................................................................................... 311 Obstructive lung diseases 311 Chronic bronchitis 315 Asthma 317 Bronchiectasis 322 Pulmonary infections 325 Pneumonia 325 Community-acquired acute pneumonias 326 Lobar pneumonia 327 Hospital-acquired pneumonia 331 Lung abscess 331 Tuberculosis 333 Sarcoidosis 342 Pneumoconioses 345 Lung carcinomas 351 Metastatic tumors 361 12. Oral Cavity and Salivary Gland Disorders...................................................................................................................... 362 Precancerous lesions of oral cavity 362 Squamous cell carcinoma 363 Salivary gland neoplasms 365 Pleomorphic adenoma 366 Warthin tumor 368 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 369 13. Gastrointestinal Tract Disorders ...................................................................................................................................... 371 Esophagus 371 Esophageal cancer 372 Stomach 374 Acute gastritis 375 Acute gastric (peptic) ulceration 376 Peptic ulcer disease 376 Chronic gastritis 382 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 382 Gastric adenocarcinoma 382 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor 389 Meckel diverticulum 391 Typhoid fever 391 Intestinal tuberculosis 395 Shigellosis—bacillary dysentery 397 Amebiasis 398 Carcinoid tumor 400 Inflammatory bowel disease 402 Crohn disease 406 Ulcerative colitis 408 Intussusception 412 Polyps of colon 412 Colorectal cancer: adenocarcinoma 417 Acute appendicitis 424Contents xvii 14. Hepatobiliary Disorders..................................................................................................................................................... 426 Bilirubin metabolism and bile formation 426 Jaundice 428 Hereditary hyperbilirubinemias 429 Viral hepatitis 431 Chronic hepatitis 441 Alcoholic liver disease 443 Cirrhosis 452 Hemochromatosis 458 Wilson’s disease 459 Biliary cirrhosis 460 Liver abscesses 462 Malignant tumors of liver 464 Cholangiocarcinoma 468 Metastatic tumors 469 Acute cholecystitis 470 Chronic cholecystitis 472 Cholelithiasis (gallstones) 473 Carcinoma of the gallbladder 481 15. Pancreatic Disorders ........................................................................................................................................................... 483 Acute and chronic pancreatitis 483 Pseudocyst of pancreas 490 Pancreatic carcinoma 490 Diabetes mellitus 493 16. Kidney and Urinary Tract Disorders................................................................................................................................ 505 Glomerular diseases 506 Pathogenesis of glomerular injury 508 Nephritic syndrome 511 Poststreptococcal (postinfectious) glomerulonephritis 511 Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glomerulonephritis 514 Goodpasture syndrome 515 Nephrotic syndrome 516 Membranous nephropathy (membranous glomerulopathy) 519 Minimal-change disease 521 Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 523 Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 524 Chronic glomerulonephritis 527 Glomerular lesions associated with systemic diseases 528 Diabetic nephropathy 529 Pyelonephritis and urinary tract infection 531 Pyelonephritis 531 Benign nephrosclerosis 536 Malignant hypertension and accelerated nephrosclerosis 537 Horseshoe kidneys 538 Cystic diseases of the kidney 538 Acute kidney injury 542 Urinary tract obstruction (obstructive uropathy) 546xviii Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates—General and Systemic Pathology Malignant tumors of the kidney 551 Urothelial tumors 558 17. Male Genital Tract Disorders............................................................................................................................................. 563 Carcinoma in situ 563 Invasive carcinoma 564 Benign prostatic hyperplasia or nodular hyperplasia 565 Adenocarcinoma of prostate 568 Testicular tumors 572 Germ cell tumors 573 Seminoma 574 Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors 576 18. Female Genital Tract Disorders ........................................................................................................................................ 581 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 581 Invasive carcinoma of cervix 585 Menstrual cycle 588 Endometriosis 588 Adenomyosis 590 Endometrial hyperplasia 591 Carcinoma of the endometrium 594 Leiomyomas 596 Ovarian tumors 598 Tumors of surface (Müllerian) epithelium 598 Germ cell tumors 606 Sex cord-stromal tumors 611 Metastatic tumors 613 Gestational trophoblastic disease 614 19. Breast Disorders................................................................................................................................................................... 619 Female breast 619 Benign epithelial lesions 620 Carcinoma of the breast 621 Carcinoma in situ/noninvasive carcinoma 625 Invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma 627 Paget disease of the nipple 630 Spread of breast carcinoma 632 Prognostic and predictive factors 632 Stromal/fibroepithelial tumors 634 Male breast 636 20. Endocrine Disorders............................................................................................................................................................ 638 Thyroiditis 638 Thyrotoxicosis 641 Graves’ disease 643 Diffuse and multinodular goiters 646 Neoplasms of the thyroid 650 Carcinomas 652 Neuroblastic tumors 658Contents xix 21. Skin Disorders....................................................................................................................................................................... 664 Melanocytic nevus (pigmented nevus, mole) 664 Melanoma 665 Premalignant and malignant epidermal tumors 668 22. Bones and Joints Disorders............................................................................................................................................... 673 Healing of a fracture 673 Infections—osteomyelitis 675 Bone tumors 679 Osteoarthritis 689 Rheumatoid arthritis 691 Gout and gouty arthritis 695 23. Central Nervous System Disorders.................................................................................................................................. 698 Cerebrovascular diseases 698 Intracranial hemorrhage 699 Meningitis 701 Tumors of CNS 704 Gliomas 704 Meningiomas 710 Metastatic tumors 711 Appendix I ......................................................................................................................................................................................713 Appendix II .....................................................................................................................................................................................714 Bibliography...................................................................................................................................................................................715 Index ................................................................

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9789351524267
  • Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
  • Binding: PAPERBACK
  • Edition: 1
  • Language: English
  • Returnable: Y
  • Sub Title: General and Systemic Pathology
  • Width: 216 mm
  • ISBN-10: 9351524264
  • Publisher Date: 01 Jan 2015
  • Depth: 32
  • Height: 279 mm
  • No of Pages: 739
  • Spine Width: mm
  • Weight: 1780 gr

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