The Evil of Silence: The Common Denominators of Woke Culture, Nazism, and Slavery
The "woke" mechanism is the same one used to escalate theNazi party. Very few people saw what was happening.
Even less raised concerns.
The Evil of Silence is authored to inform the debate and provoke consideration and recognition of the consequences of
the complex subject that is woke.
Nothing drives authoritarian control and victimhood more than Postmodernism or Woke Culture, Slavery, and even
Even social media has become weaponized. Such global platforms allow dialogue to be presented and then unwittingly
manipulated, leaving large corporations and even the UK Government in precarious positions. Pander to the woke culture
or face reputation-damaging criticism?
When dialogue stops, physical or psychological violence starts.
The alternative? This book shares mechanisms to raise the awareness of and sharpen our skills to resolve tough issues
in an increasingly disparaged environment. Otherwise, we are leaving ourselves and the very underpinning of society as
we know it wide open to authoritarian control. The psychology that causes a company crisis is the same destructive psychology
that fuels Woke Culture and Nazism.
Now is the time to become aware of the misleading guises of woke culture and speak up.