Meet Jenn and Larry, an ordinary couple who met on and dreamed of a life together with children, fun, and travel. Then Jenn noticed a lump under her arm. Within a week, she was diagnosed with stage IV triple-negative breast cancer.
Told from both the patient and caregiver perspectives, Everyone Needs a Larry is a he-said-she-said quirky, romantic, and humorous survival story that shares the lessons, mistakes, and joys of a couple fumbling their way through cancer, love, and marriage.
Whether you face the challenge of cancer or another adversity, Jenn and Larry demonstrate how our scariest times have the possibility to become our greatest chapters. Their journey towards health will illustrate how to:
- Turn a hardship into a lesson of appreciation through love, gratitude, and a positive mindset.
- Maintain humor even in the grimmest hours.
- Cultivate patience while you're a patient . . . and a caregiver.
- Trust your instincts-even if they're sometimes wrong-and learn as you go.
- Become a better person through embracing and walking through discomfort.
- Navigate the ins and outs of going through a cancer diagnosis.
- Develop more awareness on how thoughts create reality and learn how to choose the thoughts you wish to believe.
Hi. I'm Jenn, the patient. After the initial shock of my diagnosis, I decided to believe that cancer was a blessing-coming to teach me something, give me fresh, healthy hair, new perky boobs, and send me on my way. I'd become a brand-new me to start the second half of my life with my husband, Larry.
Hi. I'm Larry, the caregiver. I was far from thinking I would have to care for my beautiful wife so soon. I mean, we were still in our honeymoon stage. But we both had to figure out how to be a patient and a caregiver. We made it through the adventure pretty well-enough to write a book about it! Hopefully our experience will guide you to the finish line. We will share our mistakes an-
Wait, don't tell them about all the stupid stuff you did, like running over my mom's foot. Twice. Tell them that we figured out how mindset can make or break the outcomes. That we chose to believe cancer was helping us, not hurting us, and we took the ride towards health. That we are stronger from it all! And we want to help others do the same-----
Okay . . . but I want to make sure they know it isn't a sappy, sad cancer story, but an entertaining, funny romance full of caregiving tips from yours truly. I want this book to entertain, inform, motivate, and support everyone through their cancer journey or other adversity. They'll find surgery notes, chemo prayers, gratitude lessons, health insurance tips, and family drama . . . It's all there.
Our success led me to think we unlocked some universal infinite wisdom that could help everyone turn their negative diagnosis into a positive capacity for healing. We even started companies because of it-Zero Negative and The Best You Management. We hope that our memoir will spread a little more love, and awareness into a very serious situation. And in times of trouble, Everyone Needs a Larry, so here's to yours!
Just say we are like When Harry Met Sally--