"Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" Psalm 85:6 For years many of God's elect have been led out in the Spirit to cry unto Him day and night for a widespread, heaven-born revival of pure and undefiled religion -- for a worldwide revival of pentecostal power and glory, and have had the assurance of victory.
Never before have we known such faith and prayer among those who live in close communion with God, and now all can see that the spirit of faith and desire and expectancy is deepening and spreading, and in many places glorious revivals are already in progress. Speaking of this desire and of the burden of prayer resting upon her, one sister writes: "I have been in an agony of soul for weeks. It seems at times as if it would almost take my life"; and this is the language of our own and many other hearts.
Several National Convocations of Prayer have been held in different parts of our own land, and at every one God has granted to His own, very much of the spirit of prayer and intercession. Many have spent whole nights weeping and crying to God to revive His work, knowing in their own inmost souls the groanings of the Spirit that could not be uttered. Nor has the spirit of prayer been confined to any one class, place or denomination.
That God is leading out His saints, and by His own right hand of power preparing the way for a general outpouring of His Spirit in this as in other lands, is blessedly manifest.
To aid in this work, we have gathered together these various reports of the gracious and glorious revival now going on in Wales, believing that everywhere these reports go, God can use them to stir up other hearts to increased faith and prayer, and so hasten the coming of the glorious day for which we watch and pray.
God help us all to lay hold upon God, and to "give Him no rest" "till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth!" Yours for the faith once delivered to the saints,
- S. B. Shaw, Chicago, IL, April, 1905