Removing math phobia and stress is a challenge for teachers and
educators anywhere across the globe. Many students develop stress and Math Anxiety
early in life due to inefficient learning environments. Breathing patterns of growing
students change under high stress and test anxiety and they become inactive during
the teaching and learning process. Disturbed working memory, cognitive skills, and Math
Anxiety affect math performance. Students develop emotional imbalances and
aggression. Such imbalances may magnify during their higher education causing
serious damage to their personality in general and career in particular. In such a scenario
any alternative strategies to reduce Math Anxiety and aggression, improve cognitive
skills and mindfulness play major roles in building a healthy personality and also in
deciding a student's career by influencing their subject results.
'Vedic Mathematics' by the late sankaracarya of Puré uses patterns in school
mathematics, which benefits teaching, empowers students with the feeling "I can", and
reduce Math Anxiety. Präëäyäma may assist in emotion regulation, managing anxiety, and
working memory, directly benefitting cognitive faculties. Establishing the efficacy
of Pranayama and Vedic Maths methods is a need of the present competitive
education system.