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Do you feel that informatics is indispensable in today's increasingly digital world? Do you want to introduce yourself to the world of hacking? Do you want to have a head start in the job market by learning some of the most important future skills? If the answer to these questions is yes, then keep reading...
Maybe you feel that Ethical Hacking will be a very valuable skill in the future, or maybe you simply think you'll have fun.
If you want to teach yourself actual hacking (not just copy pasting a virus or a similar non-industry kind of hacking), then this is the book for you!
First of all, we'll need to look at what an ethical hacker actually is. This book is filled with reasons why you should learn ethical hacking, as well as a few helpful tutorials to help you learn in the quickest way.
This book assumes no programming knowledge at the start, so we'll be teaching you from the ground up.
After all, you can't really teach yourself all that well if you don't have the fundamentals set.
Ethical hacking can be, and for many people is, an extremely lucrative career to be enjoyed.
The first thing you probably think of when you hear the word hackers is a criminal that works via the Internet. However, this book is here to teach you that there's more to it than meets the eye.
Within these pages, you'll find a true trove of information and learn not only the raw theory, but also some practical applications.
Here's a sneak peek of what you'll learn with this book:
- What Ethical Hacking is (roles and responsibilities of an Ethical Hacker)
- Hacking as a career
- Making money freelance
- Most common security tools
- The three ways to scan your system
- The seven proven penetration testing strategies
...and much more.
Arm yourself with all this knowledge!
Buy it NOW and let your customers get addicted to this amazing book!