"Jarol has created a well-paced, carefully plotted novel...Ethan's Moon Tower is an engrossing novel that would appeal to engineer, inventor, and astronomer types, as well as readers who enjoy rich settings and danger that comes in the form of wild dust storms and feuding neighbors." - The Children's Book Review
When endless drought has left the Earth dry and nearly lifeless, one boy reaches for the sky.
Ethan is too young to remember rain. At least not the kind that soaks the soil and flows in creeks. He never knew a time before the wells ran dry, before Mother and Father's endless battle against dust-storms that coat their beds and clothing, and foul their meager meals with grit.
Unless they soon find water, Ethan and his parents, along with the last of their neighbors, will abandon lands they've farmed for generations, and strike out in search of more fertile territory - if only they knew of such a place.
While gazing at the moon's reflection in a mud puddle at the bottom of yet another failed well, Ethan reckons the moon's surface could be covered by vast seas and expanses of rich soil. The next day he sets out to build a tower and find out for himself. When the other villagers learn of his plan, they band together and join him. Though they are on the verge of starvation, hope of finding greener pastures inspires such hearty folk to forge ahead.
As they pierce the heavens, Ethan's Moon Tower leads them to the greatest treasure of all. That is, until jealous neighbors try to take it from them.
Read Ethan's Moon Tower today to see what unexpected discoveries lay beyond the wildest of dreams.