(PS - Sentences in "italics" represents Protagonist's thoughts and feelings.)
Well, what exactly is TRUE LOVE? Simple, when someone just can't think about anything else other than SEX. Cut it, That's LUST. I'm talking about the romancing of the eyes, skipping of the beats, that soul mate, eternal, forbidden kind of love. Oh that stupidity. Hey, mind your tongue. Well we share it remember. SO YOU KEEP QUIET THEN.
Can someone love me genuinely, the way I am? Despite the fact that I'm old-fashioned, messy, complicated and stubborn...can he ever fall in love with my crazy yet first-rated heart? Only a creature from another World can fall for you. You spoke again! Ok ok.
Can men really love someone like women do...sacrificing everything for one, just one. Forgetting their own-identity, own-wishes... just for her.... How can you even expect something like this from MEN, they don't even have the ability to understand such kind of love. You can't be quiet, can you?
I always wonder, how Juliet must have felt when she decided to die for Romeo. Is love between two people so persuasive that even death seems small in front of him? Several dictums predict 'if it's meant to happen it'll happen'. That's definitely written to treat someone's depression. Don't scowl at me.
Wish not...as I myself, a strong adherent of such stuffs. But I still think... Think? That's my job baby. You just stay out of it. SHUT UP!
Can I forget myself just to remember someone else? Can such intensely-passionate love happens outside the stories too or is just possible in some crazy-writer's uncontrollable-fantasies? Of course, only in stories. You are a practical Idiot. And you are an emotional fool. I'm fine with it. Then Die! You can't survive without me. Ok agreed. But you can't run without me either.
Screw you!
Yeah, that's what you do every single time.
I hope this practical idiot is wrong as I'm so enthusiastic to feel passionate love myself that I'm even ready to die for it, comfortably. Hey hey hey, don't you scare me now. We have to stay away from this LOVE business ok. I really don't want to screw up my functioning. But that's my Primary job, how can you forget. O yes, Shit.
Well, you might be thinking that this whole part was in "italics", right. That's because, this conversation is between her mind and heart. Obviously sweet, fictional, dreamy comments are from heart and sarcastic, practical ones are from brain. Read it again and you will get it, (only if you didn't get it in the first time) just kidding. I actually wrote this part to make it easy to distinguish between thoughts and feelings while reading the story. Hope you enjoy it.
About the Author: I used to think that finding true love is the most difficult thing to do but when I stepped alone in this vast world I discovered that searching a suitable profession is even harder and not to mention if you are thinking about being a writer in a country where the citizens' mentality revolves around the fact that 'self-publishing is a profession for only the retired ones' then trust me you'll wish to give up everyday than continuing as a writer. But I fell in love with my own words and stopped hearing the nonsense of the World. That's how I succeeded in writing 2 novels. Okay, honestly being an introvert I was never a Romance writer, ever, but eventually I invented this hidden skill inside me and I'm not disappointed at all. I wanted to write something which I'd love to read and I'm somewhere proud on myself that I finally created something that I'd wish to keep in my shelf forever. After losing faith in relationships and trust on my closed ones who betrayed me, it was impossible for me to write a love story, when personally I neither felt such love for anyone nor did anyone fall in true love with me. But believe it or not I won over my depression and wrote something epic. It won't be a lie if I'd say that my words are merely a reflection of my own thoughts. It could be a funny thing to admit but someday if anyone falls in love with Kavya, the lead character of my novel then actually he has fallen in love with me.