As you take your last breath, you notice you are still alive. What will happen to you?For a Trailer, please copy/paste this link to your browser. '' https: // ''
Many people report near-death experiences (NDE). However, NDEs come from unconscious people with contradictory views. Will afterlife consist many versions of ultimate reality?
For sure, ultimate reality will not contradict itself!
Faith comes from the fact that "no one can set up a scientific experiment to verify that God exists!" Is there a way around this issue?
Consider a cutting-edge answer!
No one can predict what will happen on an exact date, centuries into the future. However, objective evidence supports biblical passages did predict events to occur on exact dates, hundreds of years into the future.
How do we know the texts foretold the future?
The oldest copy of Daniel comes from the Dead Sea Scrolls, which dates to 125 BC. The passages foretell the precise date for Romans burning down Herod's Temple in AD 70. That event turns out to be the Key to understanding ultimate reality.
When did Daniel record the texts on paper?
Some people think the texts did not foretell the future. These people think the words were recorded in 165 BC. If that is true, the burning down of Herod's Temple happened 235 years into the future, revealing a flawed viewpoint.
If you accept the biblical texts, those passages claim that Daniel recorded the texts shortly after 538 BC. In this viewpoint, Herod's Temple burned down 608 years in the future on a precise date, hundreds of years into the future.
A literature search reveals that scholars living at the time of Napoleon in the eighteenth century, correctly isolated the precise date of that event on Sunday, August 5, AD 70. Logic, eyewitness accounts, and the exact science of astronomy validate this date. Moreover, many modern-day scholars agree with this precise date!
This event turns out to be very thought-provoking. We stumble on the idea that God had to control events to cause the Roman destruction to happen on that exact date.
The precise date of destroying Herod's Temple reveals the time-based texts have hidden a controlled period of 14,000 days. This time-based fact remained hidden until the modern era. Just as intriguing, both Solomon's Temple and Herod's Temple burned down on a final 14,000th day!
If you question the Bible, the materials in the Eternal Life book bring the biblical texts alive from the time of Moses into the 21st century. These controlled events point to ultimate reality as spiritual?
In the Eternal Life book, logic and evidence support the Creator transcends time and space. That this Being knows all future events into eternity future.
If God controlled events in ancient times, are you willing to discover that current events appear to be ordered, even as you read these texts?
The information is presented in a way that I had many "ah-ha" moments. The author is grounded in scientific/mathematical methods, which makes the information way more interesting than what others have to say. The author understands biblical texts at a profound level.