This anthology includes two novels based on intrigues from the history of all time. Novels belong to the field of fiction, intrigues do not.
The Grial´s Quest
According to Christian tradition The Holy Chalice is the vessel that Jesus used at the Last Supper to serve wine. In the 12th Century Arthurian literature the Chalice became associated with the pre-existing story of the Holy Grail, a miraculous artifact with magical properties. The fully developed legend further identifies the Grail with the vessel later used to collect Christ's blood, brought to Hispania by Joseph of Arimathea.
The Bluthund Community is an informal hermetic group formed on social networks. It brings together researchers from the most diverse disciplines, who collaborate in the resolution of difficult-to-manage cases. They have research methods that come from both the positive sciences and alternative knowledge, based on traditional wisdom, in arcana of different cultures.
As part of their training, the Community commissioned four young people of different nationalities to follow the trail of a find in Argentine Patagonia, related to the presence of the Holy Grail, presumably carried to these distant places by the Knights Templar.
A vibrant historical thriller that will keep you in suspense until the end
Genghis Khan´s Tomb
A group of researchers from the Bluthund Community is given the mission to find the lost tomb of Genghis Khan, who died in the 13th century. Genghis Khan was the creator of the greatest empire in the history of mankind, which stretched from China to the gates of Europe and included almost the entire Asian continent. Feared for the massacres carried out on the conquered peoples, he was loved by the Mongols who consider him the creator of their nation, and is the national hero of the Republic of Mongolia.
A Mongolian lady named Orghana, apparently a CIA member, joins the group of investigators, along with her protector, a Mongolian army colonel.
The purpose of the mission is to find the tomb before a messianic leader of the nomadic tribes achieves it, a man who wishes to re-create the empire of Genghis Khan, agitating the members of scattered tribes and promoting great instability throughout the area of East Asia, including neighboring countries: China, Kazakhstan and Russia.
The exploration of the steppes and mountains of Central and East Asia leads to countless adventures that keep suspense from the beginning to the end of the novel, in the course of which is revealed the true personality and motivations of Lady Orghana, who turns out to be a priestess of the Black Tengrism, the magical religion of the Mongols since ancient times.
Earth storms in the desert, attacks by the fearsome Mongol bandits, who massacre the caravans in their path; tournaments of combat prowess on horseback, features of the fearsome Mongol horsemen, armed conflict between rival tribes, all amid the suggestive landscape of the Asian steppe. Magic and bravery. A vibrant thriller that takes place in the current era but has deep historical roots.