A discovery of eternity within the present moment. The newest treasure of prose by Benjamin Dunn. Poi si torno all' eterna fontana. Return to the eternal fountain. One gift of this book is that it says as simply as possible: an apple is not the word 'apple', it is itself. We can't wrap the equator around ourselves as a belt, we can't eat an inch or drink a mile, and we can't put an hour into a pipe and smoke it. Yesterday & tomorrow have no substance.These are made of the conceptual world, the unreal. Words and concepts help us understand our experience but can never define it.
They help us communicate but can also be the very things that keep us...
...from true understanding & communion with eternity in the timeless now. They can keep us from actually living and enjoying life.
We surround ourselves with endless safety lines of religion and concepts that are more fragile than a snowflake. They break at the slightest movement or change.
No one can ever bargain on the banana peel! The lion is not tame. No investment in this world is solid. None are failsafe. They are not made to be, Grace is built into the infrastructure. There are angels in the architecture.
We are all so hung up on ourselves and how we're portraying our person, prisoners of what other people think or of telling others how to think (though it's only our story that's told to us).
We're clenched up and clinging to un-forgiveness and trying to heal our perceived past hurts, pissing our minds and thoughts away into the wind and anxiety of a non-existent future, and wondering why it's all blowing back into our faces. None of it is real, none at all.
Here we are, right now, and this is the place we've always been, now & eternally. Our temporal hang ups matter very little to a being who has prepared a never-ending lifetime of Laughter & Joy for us. They have no weight or substance, no value. Illusions & fancies, ghosts that you can wave your hand through.
I'm not attempting to minimize the darkness of abuses, sufferings, tragedy troubles and pains - or trying to quiet our insatiable passions and dreams. I'm saying now is the place and time to live. Right now, right here. Not in the past of hurt, or in the anxiety of uncertain future, but right here and now in the eternal present moment.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, or heaven in a wildflower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour."