Unleashing Our Power From Within
As of 2024, human existence on Earth is at a precarious point in evolution. Overall, our awareness is low and our perspective is narrow. Most of us are living in a state of constriction, continually experiencing worry, drama, stress, and fear.
Power, greed, corruption, and control dominate our existence through oppression. The richest 1% keeps getting richer, while a majority of the world's population lives in a state of scarcity, struggling for our families' survival. The Souls of most humans are asleep
Perspectives matter. Even though we all live under the same sky we don't see the same Light.
ESSENCE takes us on a journey of self-discovery.... eXpanding our Self-awareness, thus broadening our perspectives, enabling us to see new options for our lives that were previously blocked from our views.
From our new perspective our inspiration awakens, formulating new personal visions for our lives. We unleash our power from within, building our new visions into physical form,
A new conscious civilization is forming, and you are invited to join us in creating a new regenerative world, full of love, joy, freedom, prosperity, and peace.