It inspires you to invent your life as the artwork of your desires.
It invites you to journey through the author's juicy and adventurous love life, her inspiring progress in becoming who she intends to be, and her salacious critiques of American and European cultures.
It empowers you to become the designer of your own life journey and share it with other people.
It inspires you to seek within yourself what makes your life truly unique and what makes its stories a special gift to others.
It reveals to you what makes a person's experience a source of knowledge and wisdom.
EROS resonates with essential aspects of the human experience, including desire for ever evolving knowledge, passion for deeply felt experience, the enjoyment of multiple pleasures, the gift of affection, the practice of analytic observation, and the vision of aligning health and happiness, both personal and planetary.
This touching roman-à-clef tells the evolution of an extraordinary life in progress. Its second edition emphasizes the wisdom that comes from experience when living your life as a work of art. Serena Anderlini-D'Onofrio, now also known as Dr. SerenaGaia, is a leading advocate of bisexual/polyamorous living, and now one of the protagonists of the Ecosexual Movement.
Her story takes her readers on her daring journeys away from the mainstream and into the realm of erotic self-discovery, while offering irreverent critiques of society, education, theory, sexuality and epistemology.
Eros: The Wisdom of Love motivates readers to imagine themselves as authors of their own life projects as art. The book describes the first years of the author's life in Italy, in the politically charged 60s and 70s, and her period in California, her journey along the treacherous path from graduate student to university professor, and from a straight and monogamous early adulthood, to her emergence as a person always ready to defy convention for the sake of integrity.
This writer and inspirer turns out to be a woman truly worth getting to know.