Preface.- EBV latency.- Chap. 1. EBNA1 - Lori Frappier, University of Toronto, Canada.- Chap. 2. EBNA2 and its coactivator EBNA-LP - Bettina Kempkes, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany, and Paul D. Ling, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA.- Chap. 3. The EBNA3 family: two oncoproteins and a tumour suppressor that are central to the biology of EBV in B cells- Martin J. Allday, Quentin Bazot and Robert E. White, Imperial College London, UK. Chap. 4. The latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1) - Arnd Kieser and Kai R. Sterz, Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany. Chap. 5. Latent membrane protein 2 (LMP2) - Osman Cen and Richard Longnecker, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA. Chap. 6. EBV non-coding RNAs - Rebecca L. Skalsky and Bryan R. Cullen, Duke University, Durham, USA.- E. Lytic EBV infection.- 7. Viral entry - Liudmila S. Chesnokova, Ru Jiang1 and Lindsey M. Hutt-Fletcher, Louisiana State University, Shreveport, USA.- Chap. 8. Epstein Barr virus lytic cycle reactivation - Jessica McKenzie and Ayman El-Guindy, Yale University, New Haven, USA.- Immune responses to EBV.- Chap. 9. Innate immune recognition of EBV - Anna Lünemann and David Nadal, University of Zürich, Switzerland and Martin Rowe, University of Birmingham, UK.- Chap. 10. Epstein-Barr virus specific humoral immune responses in health and disease - Jaap M. Middeldorp, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.- Chap. 11. T cell responses to EBV - Andrew D. Hislop and Graham S. Taylor, University of Birmingham, UK.- Chap. 12. Immune evasion by Epstein Barr virus - Maaike E. Ressing, Michiel van Gent, Anna M. Gram, Marjolein Hooykaas, Sytse Piersma and Emmanuel Wiertz, Utrecht Medical Center, The Netherlands.- Animal models of EBV infection.- Chap. 13. Non-human primate lymphocryptoviruses: past, present, and future- Janine Mühe and Fred Wang, Harvard University, Boston, USA. Chap.14. EBV infection of mice with reconstituted human immune system components -
Christian Münz, University of Zürich, Switzerland.- Therapy of EBV associated diseases.- Chap. 15. Adoptive T cell immunotherapy - Stephen Gottschalk and Cliona Rooney, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA.- Chap. 16. The Development of Prophylactic and Therapeutic EBV Vaccines - Corey Smith and Rajiv Khanna, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, Australia.- Chap. 17. The biology and clinical utility of EBV monitoring in blood- Jennifer Kanakry and Richard Ambinder, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA.- Index.