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Environmental Science


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About the Book


  • Coverage of all ERP/ERP projects functional areas—Includes production and materials management; sales and marketing; ad accounting and finance.
  • Numerous examples of business requirements—Enhanced through the use of integrated information systems and re-engineered business processes.
  • Customized approaches to ERP development.
  • Coverage of concepts, issues, and applications relevant to newer ERP technologies.
  • Coverage of SDLC.
  • Chapter-opening objectives.
  • Chapter-end exercises.
  • Text-ending integrated case study.
  • Focus on problem analysis and design techniques.
  • Discussion is grounded in concrete problems and examples rather than abstract presentation of principles, with representative problems woven throughout the text.
  • Over 200 well crafted problems with several coming from companies such as Yahoo!® and Oracle®. Each problem has been class tested for usefulness and accuracy in the authors' own undergraduate algorithms courses.
  • Broad coverage of algorithms for dealing with NP-hard problems and the application of randomization, increasingly important topics in algorithms
  • Presents concepts and methods for a disciplined software engineering process.
  • Scales down industrial practices for planning, tracking, analysis, and defect management to fit the needs of small-scale program development .
  • Shows how small project disciplines provide a solid base for larger projects.
  • New Terms facilitate understanding of new words.
  • Case studies are included for reference.
  • Let’s Do/Geo Activity reinforces knowledge through activities and projects.
  • Think/Discuss stimulates young minds and develops analytical power.
  • Let’s Recall summarizes the key concepts.
  • Frequently Asked Questions given with answers at the end of the book.
  • New Terms facilitate understanding of new words.
  • Case studies are included for reference.
  • Let’s Do/Geo Activity reinforces knowledge through activities and projects.
  • Think/Discuss stimulates young minds and develops analytical power.
  • Let’s Recall summarizes the key concepts.
  • Frequently Asked Questions given with answers at the end of the book.
  • Ideal for students new to object-oriented programming, C, and any other C languages—Includes introductory material that assumes no knowledge of programming.
  • Broad coverage of C techniques—Starts with a clear introduction to the fundamentals of C programming; then covers variables, data types, arithmetic expressions, program looping, making decisions, arrays, functions, structures, character strings, pointers, bit operations, preprocessing, I/O, and more.
  • By Steven Kochan, author of several renowned programming classics, including Unix Shell Programming—Authored by an expert who has helped thousands of students and professionals master programming.
  • Language summary, Standard C Library introduction, guide to gcc compilation, and more—Includes comprehensive C reference features.
  • Small program examples and well-crafted exercises—Provides step-by-step, hands-on experience that begins with simple tasks and gradually builds to more complex, professional-quality techniques.
  • Guide to common programming mistakes—Lists and explains the most common errors C programmers make.
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Simple and interactive tasks
  • Easy-to-understand instructions
  • Colourful and attractive layout
  • Topics covered include reverse painting, spray art, stencils, origami, crayon etching, mosaic colouring, sponge painting, paper collage, etc
  • Teacher’s Notes provide additional input for interactive pedagogy
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Comprehension tests the literal, inferential, predicative and evaluative comprehensive powers of the learners.
  • Word play helps in vocabulary building and encourages application of word skills.
  • Say it right stresses the importance of correct pronunciation through phonetic drills at the primary level. At the upper primary and middle school level, emphasis has been given to syllable and stress in words.
  • Language play deals with the fundamental elements of grammar and their usage.
  • Pencil talk initiates the learners into the world of writing.
  • After you have studied this lesson… lists topics to be discussed in the chapter.
  • Step-by-step guidelines on new topics ensure a clearer understanding of the topics.
  • Dialogue between young learners highlights practical problems before giving the solutions.
  • Remember makes the learner aware of computer etiquettes.
  • Activities, Examples and Learning games are provided to reinforce learning and understanding.
  • Tech Talk provides a glossary of computer-related terms with their meanings.
  • Revision tests the knowledge and applications of the chapter learnt.
  • After you have studied this lesson… lists topics to be discussed in the chapter.
  • Step-by-step guidelines on new topics ensure a clearer understanding of the topics.
  • Dialogue between young learners highlights practical problems before giving the solutions.
  • Remember makes the learner aware of computer etiquettes.
  • Activities, Examples and Learning games are provided to reinforce learning and understanding.
  • Tech Talk provides a glossary of computer-related terms with their meanings.
  • Revision tests the knowledge and applications of the chapter learnt.
  • Examines the relationship between e-business, e-commerce and e-marketing
  • Explores the new business models of the digital economy through B2B and B2C case studies
  • Covers the strategic approaches to change management used to achieve e-business in the global marketplace
  • Includes the application of electronic communications to elements of the value and supply chain, including procurement, logistics, marketing and CRM
  • Unveils the practical challenges of implementing e-business

  • Illustrated concepts for students with relevant programming examples, many written in Visual C++ with embedded assembly language code.
  • Coverage of how to develop software to control application interfaces to the microprocessor.
  • Coverage of how to program the microprocessor using the popular Microsoft Visual C programming environment with embedded assembly language to control personal computers.
  • Descriptions of how to use real mode (DOS) and protected mode (Windows) of the microprocessor.
  • Explanation of the operation of a real-time operating system (RTOS) in an embedded environment.
  • Addition of four new chapters: ‘Investment Banking’, ‘Leasing and Hire Purchase’, ‘Financial Inclusion’ and ‘Micro Finance and Housing Finance’
  • Incorporation of all changes and amendments up to July 2010
  • Inclusion of new concepts such as anchor investors, ASBA, auction-based building method, foreign currency exchangeable bonds, residential mortgage backed securitization.
  • Discussion on risk management in banks and US Subprime mortgage crisis and its impact on the Indian financial system.
  • Inclusion of case studies in several chapters.
  • Inclusion of pedagogical tools like chapter learning objectives, boxes, tables, chapter summaries, key terms, review questions and multiple-choice questions.
  • Unit page with Teacher’s notes helps the teacher in developing a comprehensive lesson plan.
  • You already know lists the topics learnt previously.
  • You will learn outlines the topics that will be taught in the chapter.
  • You now know at the end of the lesson aids recapitulation of recently learnt topics.
  • Titbits provides interesting information on the topic at hand.
  • New words aids retention of scientific terms.
  • Something more are interactive tasks related to the topic that also encourage environment consciousness.
  • Test papers at the end of the book aid revision.
  • Worksheets linked to Main Coursebook units
  • A comprehension passage in every worksheet
  • Reinforcement of grammar, vocabulary, writing and study skills
  • Two papers provided for summative assessment
  • A separate chapter highlighting various concepts and applications related to thermal properties and wear of materials
  • Exclusive coverage of different types of processes incorporated during heat treatment of steels
  • Two chapters explaining in detail concepts, characteristics and applications associated with ceramics and composite materials
  • More than 500 review and multiple-choice questions
  • Specifically meets the requirements of the syllabus of JNTU-K
  • Illustrates the functioning of circuits using truth tables, state tables, timing diagrams and state diagrams
  • Contains over 150 illustrations, 170 worked-out examples, and a large number of problems for practice
  • Dozens of figures and tables that simplify and illuminate key concepts
  • 50% more “field-tested” homework problems
  • Keyword lists, recommended readings, and glossary
  • This book fully covers the Mumbai University syllabus and the content is structured as per the syllabus topics.
  • Concepts are explained with the help of numerous examples.
  • Plenty of practice questions.
  • Important topics from exam point of view are highlighted.
  • Simple and easy to understand writing style enables the students to grasp the concept easily.
  • Replete with examples that give deep insights into the topics discussed in each unit.
  • A large number of diagrams, equations and case studies
  • Comprehensive coverage of the required syllabus
About the Authors
Dr. P. N. Palanisamy is the Professor & Head, Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. He obtained his B.Sc Degree from Gandhigram Rural University and M.Sc Organic Chemistry from Annamalai University. He obtained his Ph.D from Annamalai University during May 1996 in the field of Catalysis P. Manikandan is working as an Assistant Professor(SG) in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. He has 14 years of teaching experience. A. Geetha is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. She has published 6 research papers in international journals and also presented many papers in national and international conferences K. Manjula Rani is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode. She has 15 years of experience in academics. At present, she is pursuing research in the field of pollution abatement using Nanomaterials.

Table of Contents:
  • Preface
  • About the Author
    1. Natural Resources
    2. Ecosystems
    3. Environmental Pollution
    4. Water Treatment Methods
    5. Social Issues and the Environment
    6. Human Population and the Environment

  • Best Sellers

    Product Details
    • ISBN-13: 9788131773253
    • Edition: 1
    • Binding: Paperback
    • No of Pages: 268

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