Past-life karmic attachments are a reality.
Resolving them will bring you personal and spiritual freedom.
It is not unusual for people to endure experiences that have major
transformational eects on their lives. Something as devastating as the loss
or betrayal of a loved one can lead us down roads that we never expected
to travel. Oen it is only the individual who feels the repercussions of that
change, but sometimes the eect can be so far-reaching that it aects the lives
of many.
is is what happened to Judy Roach. Her extraordinary story commences
in a 14th-century English building where, previously unaware of her psychic
abilities, she secured the rescue of a child whose soul was trapped. Later this
down-to-earth former British police ocer was blindsided by the actions of
others, leading her to seek legal and spiritual help that opened the doorway to
new dimensions and access to her spirit Guide and Master Guide.
is is a story for the new millennium, one of belief, faith and travels afar.
It is the story of a woman who conquered despair to create something truly
amazing. In 1995 she was told by her Guide to buy a neglected six-acre
property on the outskirts of a hot, windy crayshing township four hours
north of Perth, Western Australia. is enlightening book describes in
meticulous detail the creation of the Healing Garden of Dongara and the
Ten Year Mary Project 1994. As she worked with spiritual guidance and the
earth energies, the property developed and soulmates from around the world
were compelled to visit and re-live traumatic past-life karmic attachments in
order to bring about resolution and healing.