About the Book
Listen, the Entrepreneur's Bible is not some formal religious text, giving you a quick hit of some feel-good new age thinking or metaphysical B.S. This book contains, the gospel and plain truth to living the good life, to success as an entrepreneur, and attracting wealth faster, than baseball players on steroids break Babe Ruth's home run record. You see I grew up in the church, the son of a preacher man. I can recall sitting in Sunday school and the church bells just didn't sing, true for me, hearing about Adam and Eve in the garden of eden, talking to snakes. For that sounds a bit like: e-meters, coming back in the next life as a cat, and bloomers, or special panties will protect the Mormons from fire, knives, and when bullets fly about. The idea that if you're just a better or more moral person, then you would be more deserving of success, is pure unadulterated blasphemy. Sure, it sounds nice. But, it doesn't matter how moral, good, or positive your thinking gets, if that's your plan, your wishing upon on a shooting star. While the metaphysical fruit-loops may be OK performing this hippie witchcraft, and retreating into the forest, to eat their granola bars, I'm not. You see, the politicians seem to be interested in distracting the herd with our so called war on drugs, fighting inequality, and complaining about Mark Cuban, and Mr. Burns paying their "fair share." In our brave new economy the rules have changed. To encourage you to take my words seriously, let me briefly share my qualifications. While the talking heads on TV have been busy banging pots and pans about the latest financial crisis, our great recession, health care, and George Bush's last apocalyptic, passage of gas. Starting from zero financial resources, no lucky breaks, or silver spoons. As a college dropout, I've climbed up to earn millions of dollars, all working from comfort of home, since 2006. I've been jet setting, all over the world, from riding horseback in the jungles of Belize, to feeding elephants in the bustling streets of Bangkok, out to the Wynn in Las Vegas for a Tiesto show, then up to NYC for March Madness. You may have even seen me on national TV. I appeared in my own infomercial, on ESPN, MTV, VH-1, Comedy Central, to name just a few. Look, in this book, I'm going to reveal all the dirty little secrets to shift your perspective from merely making money, to attracting wealth, success, and living the good life, in less time than you ever thought possible, and without selling your soul to the devil. You see attracting wealth is similar to men searching to pick up women. It much more fruitful, if you work on making yourself attractive to women. Listen, money is governed by cause and effect, not honest, back breaking hard work, or any individuals moral codes. This is why criminals, drug dealers, and gun runners, can amass extravagant amounts of wealth. Warning Yes, a warning, this is a shocking, and blunt revelation of the gospel of wealth attraction, and the plain truth to the abundance of riches. It will offend the meek, and if you cling to the delusional belief in a fantasyland, of unicorns, and leprechauns, where money, let alone mankind follow moral laws. And getting rich quick, is a deadly sin, it's not too late, to turn back now. But, if your ready to get on board the golden path to the good life, filled with abundant riches, overflowing with success and achievement, then climb aboard, for fortunes, don't wait for the tardy to arrive. Or you can continue to plod along, as just one more among the herd, on the well traveled dead end path to poverty, frustration, and bitterness with Mr. Burns.