See below for English description.
Troisi?me livre dans la s?rie de Genevi?ve C?t? mettant en sc?ne un lapin et un cochon, Entre toi et moi montre les diff?rentes fa?ons dont nous exprimons des ?motions similaires (et tous les malentendus que cela peut entra?ner!). Le texte et les illustrations simples proposent une exploration de l'amiti? et des sentiments.
Un cochon et un lapin se pr?parent ? monter une pi?ce de th tre, mais les choses se compliquent lorsque le cochon interpr?te mal les r?actions du lapin. Le lapin introverti se fige lorsqu'il est effray?, tandis que le cochon extraverti se met ? crier! Finalement, ils comprennent: les sentiments peuvent ?tre partag?s, m?me s'ils sont exprim's de mani?res diff?rentes. Alors, le rideau se l?ve pour faire place au vrai spectacle.
Genevi?ve C?t?'s third book featuring a bunny and a rabbit, Starring Me and You (Entre toi et moi ), shows the different ways that we express similar emotions (and all the misunderstandings that this can lead to!). The deceptively simple text and illustrations form a pitch-perfect exploration of friendship and feelings.
Piggy and Bunny are preparing to stage a play, but things get complicated when Piggy misreads how Bunny feels. The introverted Bunny freezes when scared, while the extroverted Piggy screams! Finally they come to an understanding: feelings can be shared, even if they are expressed in different ways. Then it's time for the curtain to rise and for the real show to begin.
Original Title: Starring Me and You
About the Author: Genevi?ve C?t? a collabor? ? la cr?ation d'un grand nombre de livres pour enfants ?crits par des auteurs de renom, tels Gilles Tibo et Danielle Simard. Elle a plus tard commenc? ? travailler ? ses propres histoires en mariant la magie des images et des mots. Quel ?l?phant?, publi? aux ?ditions Scholastic en 2006, est le premier album qu'elle a sign? ? titre d'auteure-illustratrice. Elle a ensuite ?crit et illustr? trois autres albums: Je suis l?, Petit Lundi, Comme toi! et Sans toi! Genevi?ve fait aussi des illustrations ?ditoriales pour des journaux et des magazines. Ses dessins sont parus dans des publications ? grand tirage, comme le Boston Globe, le New York Times, le Wall Street Journal et L'Actualit?. Inscrite au programme gouvernemental La culture ? l'?cole, Genevi?ve adore ?changer avec les jeunes lecteurs et les futurs auteurs. Elle vit ? Montr?al. Genevi?ve C?t? studied Art and Graphic Design at Concordia University in Montreal. She has illustrated numerous books for children. She also enjoys writing her own stories: Quel ?l?phant? (What Elephant?) and Je suis l?, petit Lundi (With you Always, Little Monday) were the first books that she both wrote and illustrated. She was nominated for the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award for Comme toi! (Me and You). She was also a finalist for the TD Book Award, French, for the same book. C?t?'s editorial art has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe and other such publications. Her books have received three nominations for the Governor General's Award for Illustration, one of which went on to win. She has also won the Elisabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award.