The enneagram is one of the methods of introspection widely used today. It was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by the mystical philosopher George Gurdjieff and later developed in the 1960s by psychologist Claudio Naranho. The Enneagram proved to be a clear way to present 9 types personality, selected on the basis of careful observation of human behavior. Our psychological and spiritual development is symbolically represented in it like a star with nine rays - "tendencies" acting in each of us.To determine the type prevailing in you, you need to answer only one test question. The method is based on the hypothesis that our personality is built around a single basic fear that comes from childhood. Behind this apparent simplicity, in reality, many nuances are hidden: we carry in ourselves the features of each of the personality types represented on the enneagram. That is why some of us recognize ourselves (to one degree or another) in several portraits at once.
It should be borne in mind that the enneagram is not a way of classifying people or labeling, so many psychologists do not use the names of personality types and prefer to limit themselves to numbers: "type 1", "type 2", etc. Also, not all psychologists recognize the enneagram by the cientific method, but, in our opinion, it is interesting to get to know it.
To build your enneagram, answer the test question. Choose the answer that best fits you. Do not hurry. Avoid any ratings, both positive and negative. You may seem close to several options at once. This is natural, since each of us has different qualities. It is important to find out which of them prevails in you. If you are undecided, you can choose three options. For convenience, write these options on paper, ranging in order from the most significant to the less important. Go back to the test question and mark your first option - in the first test result (corresponding to the most significant fear for you) your "main" personality type will be indicated. Then mark your second and third options, these results are your "minor" types. Knowing the number of your enneatype, you will be able to better relate with others, and be a better you.
After working on yourself, then you will be able to work on others around you, and integrate into their lives to for a better society as a whole.
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