About the Book
- Generic, non-language-specific approach
— Presents the tools and concepts required when using any programming language to develop computer applications.
- Broad coverage
— Ranges from the basics of mathematical functions and operators to the design and use of such techniques as code, arrays, pointers, other data structures, database concepts, and object- oriented programming concepts.
- Problem-solving tools
— Discusses the problem analysis chart, interactivity (structure) chart, IPO chart, the coupling diagram, algorithms, flowcharts, and tools to help with the development of object oriented programming solutions.
- Structured programming techniques —
Covers sequential, decision, loop, and case logic structures.
- Full chapter on variables, constants, data types, functions, operators, equations, and expressions.
- Various types of data structures
— Provides full chapter coverage on arrays, stacks, linked lists, binary trees, and database.
- Problem solving for applications
— Presents techniques for page layout, spreadsheets, database management systems, and document processing.
- “What's Wrong with This?” sections
in problem sections — Challenge students to think critically and analytically to debug programs.
- “Putting It All Together sections”
— Walk students through a complete solution for a given problem, using the concepts previously presented.
- Abundant pedagogical aids integrated throughout
— Includes chapter objectives, chapter summaries, key words, chapter exercises and problems, glossaries, and tables of flowcharting symbols and functions.
- NEW—
An enhanced student-friendly design including full color throughout
- NEW—
Chapter opening “Writing at Work” case studies introduce chapter topics with real-life applications
- NEW—
“Before/After” examples visually demonstrate how revision improves communication
- NEW—
“Tech Links” direct students to useful web sites or to online resources available at the book’s Companion Website
- NEW—
“Technology Tips” provide students with helpful instruction on using common computer programs to communicate.
- NEW—
“Web Workshops” give students opportunities to investigate real-world applications on the Internet.
- A significant number of end-of-chapter problems have been updated
- The Verilog Hardware Description Language (HDL) has been updated and expanded to exploit key enhancements that were introduced in IEEE standards 1364-2001 and 1364-2005
- The text introduces more graphical material to better serve learners oriented to graphical mediums. Karnaugh maps are, likewise, presented with additional graphics to facilitate understanding of their use
- HDL material is presented at a level suitable for students learning digital circuits and a hardware description language at the same time
About the Authors
M. Morris Mano, California State University, Los Angeles.
Micheal D. Ciletti, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.Features
- Complete information on all of the world's most important standards—For cellular, cordless telephone, and personal communications systems, including AMPS, ETACS, U.S. Digital Cellular, GSM, CDMA, DECT, WACS, CT-2, PDC, and CDPD.
- All new end of chapter solved example problems—On topics ranging from cellular system design to networking.
- Hundreds of figures, tables, and diagrams—With clear explanations of all major concepts.
- Offers readers a comprehensive coverage of rural marketing practices
- Eight new chapters that blend concepts with real-time practices
- Focuses on emerging issues in the arena of rural marketing
- Complete coverage of social marketing and the service and agri-input sectors
- Facilitates analysis of rural consumer behaviour and evaluation of competitors practices
About the Authors
C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu retired as Professor and Head of the Department of Management Studies, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. A graduate in electrical engineering and a postgraduate in management from Andhra University, he completed his doctoral research in business policy at Nagarjuna University. He was awarded a gold medal by the Andhra University for outstanding performance in MBA.
Dr Krishnamacharyulu has been actively engaged in teaching, research and consultancy in a distinguished career spanning more than 36 years. An active academician, he has authored Cases in Rural Marketing (Pearson Education, 2003), Industrial Marketing (Jaico Publishing House, 2006), and Management of Technology (Himalaya Publishing House, 2008).
Lalitha Ramakrishnan is Professor of marketing management, Department of Management Studies and Head of the Pondicherry University Campus at Karaikal. She specialized in marketing for obtaining her MBA degree and did research in business policy for her Ph.D. at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
She has co-authored six text books with Prof. C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu and published 18 research papers. She has been a prominent resource person at several training programmes, seminars and workshops. Her areas of interest include marketing, strategic management, and women in management.Features
- Completely new chapters on portfolio risk analysis, portfolio building process, mutual fund management, portfolio performance evaluations and hedging portfolio risk have been included.
- An Indian perspective has been presented through cases and examples to help students from Indian business schools relate to the concepts discussed in the book.
- Each chapter begins with a feature called ‘The Situation’, in which managers in a fictitious company must make certain key decisions in the derivatives market.
- The chapters are interspersed with Business Snapshots that provide interesting facts related to the topic discussed in the chapter. These additional bits of information help retain the students’ interest and provide them with insights into real-world events.
- The book employs learning tools such as learning objectives, chapter outlines, detailed chapter summaries, key terms and review questions to help the reader grasp the subject matter better.
About the Authors
M. Ranganatham was Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce at the University of Madras, Chennai.
R. Madhumathi is Professor at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras.Features
- Each chapter begins with a feature called ‘The Situation’, in which managers in a fictitious company must make certain key decisions in the derivatives market
- Details about the Indian derivatives market, including the latest data from the various stock exchanges
- The chapters are interspersed with boxes that provide interesting facts related to the topic discussed in the chapter
- Examples and case studies drawn from organizations based in India offer an extensive view of the functioning style of Indian companies across diverse sectors
- Net-wise Exercises expose students to online data so that they can access a wealth of information on various additional topics related to the chapter and also apply the chapter concepts to this data
About the Authors
R. Madhumathi is Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Madras.
M. Ranganatham was Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce at the University of Madras, Chennai.Features
- This book fully covers the GTU syllabus and the content is structured as per the syllabus topics.
- Concepts are explained with the help of numerous examples.
- Plenty of practice questions.
- Important topics from exam point of view are highlighted.
- This book fully covers the Shivaji university syllabus and the content is structured as per the syllabus topics.
- Concepts are explained with the help of numerous examples.
- Plenty of practice questions
- Important topics from exam point of view are highlighted
- In addition to important object-oriented features such as classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism, covers interfaces, properties, indexers, delegates and events that are required for object-oriented component based software development.
- Discusses the traditional OOP concepts through special concepts of C# in a graded manner.
- Includes a number of end-of-chapter exercises to test your understanding.
- Contains unsolved programs under Case Study for the reader to develop projects.
About the Authors
S. Thamarai Selvi is currently Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli. She was awarded the Ph.D. degree (Computer Science and Engineering) for her thesis “BIONET: Development and Application of an Artificial Neural Network in the Diagnosis of Neck and Arm Pain” in April 2000. She has over 20 years teaching experience. She was Reader, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli for more than eight years.
R. Murugesan is currently Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Thiruvalluvar College, Papanasam, Tamil Nadu. He has completed M.Sc., M.Phil. (Mathematics), MBA, M.Ed., PGDCA and PGDOR. He is currently doing research in Open Shop Scheduling.Features
- The content of this book is mapped to the Anna University syllabus
- A roadmap gives the location of each topic of the syllabus within the book
- Numerous solved problems in each chapter incorporate vivid details to guide the student through the subject
- Comprehensive coverage of multiple integrals
- Model question papers with solutions have been included to equip the student with adequate practice material
- The content of this book is mapped to the Anna University syllabus
- A roadmap gives the location of each topic of the syllabus within the book
- Solved problems in each chapter incorporate vivid details to guide the student through the subject.
- Replete with exercises and multiple choice questions, the chapter-end pedagogy provides enhanced and discerning inputs to a streamlined and systematic learning approach.
- Model question papers with solutions have been included to equip the student with adequate practice material
Table of Contents:
- Ultrasonics
- Lasers
- Fiber Optics and its Applications
- Quantum Physics
- Crystal Physics