This is not just another online marketing book.
Engagement from Scratch! contains the most important lessons learned from over 135 years of persistent effort and experimentation by some of the world's most successful audience- and community-builders. In this book, they have come together to answer one crucial question:
How would you build an engaged audience, from scratch?
Each of the 30+ co-authors has built an engaged and loyal audience, and in this book they explain exactly how they would do it all again.
YOU WILL LEARN (in less than 20 pages each):
- How the Guy Kawasaki's pillars of enchantment can make people love you
- Brian Clark's fool-proof method for finding exactly what people will buy
- Why building an audience is like starting a riot in London (Blog Tyrant)
- Derek Halpern's formula for creating wildly popular blogs
- How to apply the 5 levels of networking like a superstar (Marcus Sheridan)
- Why your natural fear of engagement does not matter (Corbett Barr)
- How Alex Osterwalder built an audience with innovative business models
- How to get the whole internet to help you (Evan Carmichael)
And much, much more. So open the book, and get started!
Here's the full list of contributors to the book: Adam Toren (Blogtrepreneur/Small Business, BIG Vision), Alexander Osterwalder (Business Model Generation), Ana Hoffman (Traffic Generation Cafe), Anita Campbell (SmallBizTrends/BizSugar), The Blog Tyrant, Brian Clark (Copyblogger), Corbett Barr (Think Traffic/Expert Enough), Danny Brown (Bonsai Interactive), Derek Halpern (Social Triggers/DIYThemes), Dino Dogan (Triberr/DIYBlogger), Evan Carmichael, Gini Dietrich (Arment Dietrich/Spin Sucks), Guy Kawasaki (Alltop/Enchantment), Jeff Bullas, Jk Allen (Hustler's Notebook), Kristi Hines (Kikolani/, Linda Bustos (Get Elastic), Marcus Sheridan (River Pools and Spas/The Sales Lion), Mark Schaefer (Businesses {grow}/The Tao of Twitter), Marlee Ward, Mitch Joel (Twist Image/Six Pixels of Separation), Natalie Sisson (Suitcase Entrepreneur), Onibalusi Dele (YoungPrePro), Randy Komisar (Monk and the Riddle/Getting to Plan B), Sean Platt (Ghostwriter Dad), Steve Kamb (Nerd Fitness), Steve Scott (SteveScottSite), Stuart Mills (Unlock the Door), Tristan Higbee (Bloggers Bookshelf), Tyler Tervooren (Advanced Riskology), and with a foreword by c.C. Chapman (Digital Dads, and co-author with Ann Handley of MarketingProfs of Content Rules)
About the Author: Danny Iny has been an entrepreneur for longer than his entire adult life. He quit school when he was fifteen to start his first business, and has been doing it ever since. Along the way he ran the Montreal Marathon, got an MBA, and married the most wonderful woman in the world. He's also worked with companies of all sizes, from the very huge (Nokia, Google) to small businesses and entrepreneurs who are just getting started. These days, he is a prolific blogger and teacher in the Firepole Marketing training program, and enjoys working one-on-one with client businesses to improve their marketing and make more money. Oh, and he's also the published author of a book about effective communication in writing, university guest lecturer, and the CEO of a start-up company called Motiv808. In addition to all of the above, Danny is a super-friendly guy who makes a point of responding to every email and message - so go ahead and follow him on Twitter @DannyIny, or just send him an email (to, and say hello!