About the Book
Dear, precious, beloved, yet greatly troubled soul who belongs to God, this book may WELL be His highly individual, personalized Message of Life-Freeing, Holy Spirit Inspired, SAVING-GRACE KNOWLEDGE - sent directly to you - STRAIGHT from the Heart of the Living Christ! Though all persons who suffer from OCD may not be receptive to this All-Glorious Message at this time (though their reading of this material will plant miraculous 'seeds' which will prove to be fruitful, later), YOU can be the one who will be receptive, NOW (and, as a consequence, be receiving of the mental and emotional Healing and Deliverance you need) IF you are willing to entertain the possibility of your (and, also, supposedly more learned religious teachers) having been mistaken about a GREAT MANY THINGS concerning God the Father, Jesus His Son, and what the Holy Scriptures actually say (in their original languages) about God's Ultimate Intentions toward man- and woman-kind. Without a doubt, this Enlightened Message (Ephesians 1:18) has been compassionately sent your way at this particular time in your life in response to your wholly sincere, yet desperate and continual, HEART-CRY (Proverbs 2:3) for deliverance from mental torments no child of God should ever have to endure, which torture your soul; keeping you imprisoned in a world of obsessive, fearful and hurtful, racing inescapable thoughts - and shackled by compulsive, coercive and energy-draining, repetitive 'whip-driven' actions concerning sin, doubt, disbelief, faithlessness, guilt, shame, regret, depression, sorrow; and suspicion, judgment, punishment, and even death. But, beloved, know with all certainty that God the Father has full knowledge of your particular OCD suffering, condition, and situation, and GREATLY desires, yes, EARNESTLY longs, to set you FREE from this nightmare of existence, so that you might be EMPOWERED to live a life of TOTAL and perpetual Spiritual Freedom and Security, with its attendant Joy, Wonder, Praise, Thanksgiving, Worship, Song, and deep Soul Enjoyment and Fulfillment in Life! And the Lord of Love stands ready to free you, right NOW, through the imparting of such Truths to your heart! Therefore, in the careful reading and pondering of this book of profound, God-revealed scriptural understanding (directly relevant to OCD sufferers), you will come to KNOW (not merely believe) far beyond the remotest possibility of doubt, the FULL meaning and ultimate ramifications of Romans 8:38-39, where the Apostle Paul boldly proclaimed 'For I am PERSUADED, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers [the preceding three all demonic forces], nor things present [OCD religious horrors], nor things to come [supposed OCD religious dire consequences], Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to [permanently] separate us from the LOVE of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.' And in the KNOWING of this Astonishingly-Wondrous, God-Glorifying, and Christ-Exalting FULL meaning (Romans 15:29) yet, herein, to be disclosed to your heart, you will become as entirely persuaded as was Paul, suddenly wholly AWAKE to the TRUTH of God's NATURE and INTENTIONS and His Innermost MOTIVES, and Magnificent, Victorious, soon-to-be-realized, Wholly-Triumphant PLAN, DELIVERING you from your OCD nightmarish plight (from every single one of your religious obsessions and compulsions) - Once - and for all! Wherein the threat and the menace of your OCD religious scrupulosity will have come to a long-overdue, and much-welcomed END! Godspeed, dear heart, this priceless, precious Knowledge to you! In God's Astonishing Love, The Author. PEACE be multiplied to you, NOW, without delay, through Jesus Christ our Lord (II Peter 1:2). P.S. The Central benefit of this book is to AWAKEN in you the VERY Faith the Father placed in you at birth (Rom. 12:3) as your RIGHTFUL spiritual inheritance. This Faith, based on the bedrock TRUTH of God's Being, WILL deliver you!
About the Author: A devotee of Jesus and student of scripture since childhood, Mack seeks to teach others about 'the Deep Things of God.' Writing with poetic majesty, yet with elegant simplicity, he 'paints' word-pictures that captivate the heart, and awaken the soul. His life mission is to reveal aspects of the Fullness of the Gospel of Christ few know of, with special emphasis on the Lord's singularly unique Life-Purpose and the All-Redeeming Nature of His Love. Further, Mack heads the Mercy Rose Ministries Worldwide Outreach, in operation, now, for nine years, as its Founder and Operational Director, and is recognized by many as one of the world's leading experts on little-known, also new and restored, specialized aspects of Biblical knowledge (concerning our astounding Identity in Christ, claiming our Freedom in Christ, exercising our Authority in Christ, and, perhaps most importantly, obtaining the Deliverance available ONLY through Christ, at every level of our beings, including mental/emotional/psychological, as well as spiritual). Mack has, in this leader's capacity, generated more than a score of revelatory books and booklets, all of which are God-Glorifying, Christ-Exalting, and man- and woman-LIBERATING Biblical Truths, to a world in such dire need of them. It is this Christ-consecrated Calling (first received at 3 years of age) and Mack's subsequent lifelong, wholehearted commitment to it, which serves as the bedrock foundation for his spiritual writings. Noteworthy, too, his religious books are in the private libraries of such world notables as Professor N.T. Wright, Andy Andrews, Claire Pfann, Marilla Ness, Akiane Kramarik, Tony Robbins, and Pastor Joel Osteen, among prominent others. Also, this supremely dedicated man has authored a multitude of books, facilitated classes on spirituality, and gives talks on living a Radiant Life. He has been called to unveil to others - nothing less - than the uttermost 'Depths - of The Heart of Love!' He presently resides in Central Virginia, and graciously welcomes comments. (Concluding Note: This volume, drawn from the author's flagship spiritual book 'The Divine Plan Revealed', speaks directly to many OCD scrupulosity concerns about God and man, and causes those unfounded cares, through revealed Insight, and Holy Spirit Illumination, to vanish away! - Explanation: OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a proliferating mental illness of far-reaching, harmful consequences. Yet, God's PURE Truth is its curative balm!)