This book takes the confusion out of the usual Bible teaching. It begins with God and Creation, and ends with the wonderful future in store, according to Revelation 20 through 22. God has a plan that He is carrying out. He has revealed it in various ways through all the books of the Bible. We will look at these and fit them together into a cohesive whole.
So much teaching on the End Times focuses on dramatic interpretations of the judgments of Revelation. That is just a small part of the picture, however. We need to look at the entirety of God's program, without trying to 'shoehorn' it into some denominational or theological scheme. When you have finished this book, you will have a much greater appreciation of God, the Bible, Christianity, and the world.
Bill looks at the entire Bible and guides you through the plans, the prophecies, and shows how the Bible fits together perfectly. It also will show you the way to new life, a better life, a vibrant life. The book flows seamlessly through the Bible. Along the way, Bill answers many of the questions that people usually have with certain parts of the Bible. If you have Christian faith, this book will strengthen and expand it. If you are searching for truth - here it is, in a form you can follow and understand. If you wonder what the future might hold, and where you might stand in a final judgment, the answer is here, and the way of assuring a great day is coming.
Bill teaches simply and clearly, without jargon or condescension. He lays out the truths in a way you can understand, check for yourself, and in a way that will give you peace and confidence in your future, regardless of how the world is going.
He begins at the beginning - God's Creation, and shows step-by-step how God will consummate His Kingdom in the person of His Son, the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Messiah), why that must be so and how that benefits man. Human sin is defined simply and biblically. Salvation is not 'pie in the sky, ' or a 'ticket to heaven, ' but begins when you accept the Person and Work of Christ and that will transform you each step of the way to the New Eden which God intends for you and will provide.