Now you can erase the damage done by your past health mistakes. In Encyclopedia of Healing Food, you will discover the proven food cures that give you a second chance for a longer, healthier, happier life. It is a definitive resource for what to eat for maximum health as detailed by medical and nutritional experts.
This book makes the connection between health, disease, and the food we eat.
As countless studies have affirmed, diet plays a major role in both provoking and preventing a wide range of diseases. But just what is a healthy diet?
What does the body need to stay strong and get well? In The Encyclopedia of Healing Food, of the world¹s foremost authorities on nutrition and wellness, draw on an abundant harvest of research to present the best guide available to healthy eating.
Make healthy eating a lifetime habit.
Let The Encyclopedia of Healing Food teach you how to:
- design a safe diet
- use foods to stimulate the body¹s natural ability to rejuvenate and heal
- discover the role that fiber, enzymes, fatty acids, and other dietary components
- have in helping us live healthfully
- understand which food prescriptions will help you safely treat more than 70 specific ailments, including acne, Alzheimer's disease, immune system depression, insomnia, migraine headaches, PMS, and rheumatoid arthritis
- prepare foods safely in order to prevent illness and maximize health benefits
- select, store, and prepare all kinds of healthful foods
The writer also explains food's role as powerful medicine capable of reversing chronic disease and shows how our food system and policies impact the environment, the economy, social justice, and personal health, painting a holistic picture of growing, cooking, and eating food in ways that nourish our bodies and the earth while creating a healthy society. With myth-busting insights, easy-to-understand science, and delicious, wholesome recipes, this book is a no-nonsense guide to achieving optimal weight and lifelong health.
Providing the best natural remedies for everyday aches and pains, as well as potent protection against serious diseases, The Encyclopedia of Healing Food is a required daily health reference.