About the Book
The ‘Encyclopaedia of International Law and Enforcement’ is divided into seven volumes. The volume 1 deals with an introductory overview of international Law. Besides, it lists international laws framed during 1899-1959. The volume 2 documents details of international laws adopted during 1960-1979. Similarly, the next volume 3 includes laws evolved as international laws during 1977-1987. The volume 4 enlists the main international law adopted by the global community during 1988-1992. The next in line, i. e. volume 5 provides readers with the international laws framed during 1993-1995. Volume 6 of this encyclopedia lists the international laws signed during 1996-2003. The last volume 7 of the series enlists international laws adopted between 2004 till date. It also provides readers with the conclusion, thereby providing users with a brief perspective on a proper enforcement of international laws by concerned institutions/agencies. The ‘Encyclopaedia of International Law and Enforcement’ serves the purpose of an up-to-date reference book on the said subject, besides giving detailed acronym, glossary and bibliography. By adopting a chronological approach, the publication has become a user-friendly tool for readers for further research and publication.
Table of Contents:
• Preface
• Acronyms
• Introductory Overview of International Law
1. Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 1899
2. Convention between the United States, Great Britain, Russia and Japan for the Preservation and Protection of Fur Seals, 1911
3. Treaty of Versailles, 1919
4. Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, 1924
5. Inter-Allied Meeting, 1941
6. Declaration by United Nations, 1942
7. The International Conferences of American States, 1942
8. Charter of the United Nations, 1945
9. Convention Concerning Forced or Compulsory Labour as Modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946
10. International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, 1946
11. Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War, 1949
12. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954
13. European Cultural Convention, 1955
14. Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration, 1957
15. Convention on the Continental Shelf, 1958
16. Convention on the High Seas, 1958
17. Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1959
18. The Antarctic Treaty, 1959
19. Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy, 1960
1. International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations, 1961
2. Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water, 1963
3. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, 1963
4. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, 1965
5. Outer Space Treaty, 1967
6. Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, 1968
7. International Convention on Travel Contracts, 1970
8. International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971
9. Treaty Between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile System, 1972
10. United Nations : Stockholm Declaration, 1972
11. Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972
12. Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks, 1973
13. Threshold Test Ban Treaty, 1974
1. International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights, 1976
2. Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaty, 1976
3. Application of the Provisions on Euratom Safeguards, 1976
4. Treaty Between the USA and USSR on Underground Nuclear Explosions for Peaceful Purposes, 1976
5. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, 1979
6. United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea, 1982
7. International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1983
8. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, 1984
9. Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1985
10. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, 1985
1. Convention Concerning Safety in the use of Asbestos, 1986
2. Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident, 1986
3. Treaty on Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles-Between USA and USSR, 1987
4. Protocol on Procedures Governing the Elimination of Russian and American Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles, 1987
5. Convention for the Supression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, 1988
6. Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the Continental Shelf, 1988
7. Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Notifications of Launches of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles, 1988
8. Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities, 1988
9. The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, 1989
10. Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, 1989
11. Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits, 1989
12. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1989
13. London Amendments to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1990
14. Treaty Between the USA and USSR on the Limitation of Underground Nuclear Weapon Tests, 1990
15 International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea Dated, 1991
1. Un Convention on Desertification, 1992
2. Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, 1992
3. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992
4. Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, 1993
5. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, 1993
6. Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction, 1993
1. Trademark Law Treaty, 1994
2. International Agreement on High Seas Fishing, 1995
3. United Nations Model Rules for the Conciliation, 1995
4. Convention on Nuclear Safety, 1995
5. Treaty on the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone, Bangkok Treaty, 1995
6. WIPO Copyright Treaty, 1996
7. Comprehensive Nuclear Test-ban Treaty, 1996
8. Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as Amended 3 May 1996
9. Treaty of Pelindaba, 1996
10. United Nations : International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, 1998
11. UN Resolution 1284, 1999
12. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, 2000
13. Law of Mongolia on its Nuclear-weapon-free Status, 2000
14. Convention Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, 2000
15. Convention on Cybercrime, 2001
1. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides, 2002
2. Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure, 2002
3. Treaty on Open Skies, 2002
4. International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO, 2003
5. Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and the Protocol Relating to that Agreement, 2004
6. Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a Revised Trademark Law Treaty, 2006
7. Convention on International Customs Transit Procedures for the Carriage of Goods by Rail Under Cover of SMGS Consignment Notes, 2006
8. International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2007
• Conclusion: Towards Proper Enforcement of International Laws