See below for English description.
Cet hiver, Nicolas et sa famille partent en vacances! Nicolas est si excité qu'il dort avec ses bottes de planche à neige et son sac à dos depuis trois jours. Mais attention! Il y a beaucoup à faire avant le grand départ: il faut amener le chat chez le voisin, faire les courses, déneiger l'entrée, charger l'auto... Nicolas arrivera-t-il à tout faire pour enfin pouvoir profiter des plaisirs de ses vacances d'hiver?
Nicholas and his family are going on a winter vacation! What could go wrong? Nicholas is so excited for his family's ski trip that he's had his backpack, long johns, and snowboard boots on for three days already. But before they leave, Nicholas has a whole list of things to do: take the cat to a neighbour's house, shovel the driveway, round up the ski gear, pack up the car... will this vacation ever start? Everyone else is excited for all the mountain climbing, snowshoeing, and skiing ahead -- but by the time the car is packed and the family is on their way, all Nicholas wants to do on his vacation is get a little rest!
Original Title: Winter Break Wipeout
About the Author: Gilles Tibo a ?crit et illustr? plus d'une centaine de livres pour enfants dont les populaires s?ries d'albums Simon et les livres mettant en vedette l'adorable Nicolas. Il a re?u plusieurs prix prestigieux dont deux prix du Gouverneur g?n?ral. Gilles habite ? Montr?al. Bruno St-Aubin est un des piliers de la litt?rature jeunesse de chez nous. Aux ?ditions Scholastic, Bruno a illustr? Gabi la ballerine, ?crit par Joan Betty Stuchner ainsi que des livres ? succ's mettant en vedette l'adorable Nicolas. Il a aussi publi?, ? titre d'auteur-illustrateur, Le panache du grand Georges, une belle histoire sur l'amiti? montrant une foule d'oiseaux de chez nous.
Gilles Tibo has written and illustrated more than a hundred children's books. He is a two-time winner of the Governor General's Award and the Mr. Christie's Book Award, and a two-time nominee for the Hans Christian Andersen Prize. He lives in Montreal, Quebec. Bruno St-Aubin has illustrated over sixty children's books. His favourite activities when he is not illustrating include soccer, cross-country skiing, cycling, jogging and playing hockey. He lives in Quebec.