Great advice from the front lines of life. We asked hundreds of women one question:
What was the BEST ADVICE you ever received?
The Empowered Women Helping Others book is a collection of their insightful answers. Advice from women willing to share their ideas and life experiences to help others.
In many ways, John and I are today's Modern Family's modern family. We have dealt with family issues like single parenting, divorce, relatives' non-acceptance of bi-racial children, gay issues, money concerns, significant health issues and more. Along the way, we received great advice when we needed it most - often from an unusual source. Now, we want to help others during stressful times.
The book includes:
-225 ready-to-use advice on single parenting, careers, divorce, overcoming obstacles, money issues, midlife, reducing fear, raising kids and much more.
-10 Roadblocks to Success.
-Two Great Questions to Ask Everyday.
-Two "You're Not Alone" sections.
-10 Rules About Money.
-10 Ways to Prepare for Success.
-Multiple areas for self-reflection and group discussions
Together we can make life a little brighter and less stressful You are a WINNER!
-FREE book. We are looking for people willing to share their life lessons to help others for our next book due in late 2021. If we use your advice, we will send you a free copy of the book as a thank you gift. See
-A portion of each book sale will go to Michael J. Fox Parkinson's Foundation and autism research. Thank you.