Are you more emotionally sensitive than other people?
Do you become emotional for no apparent reason?
Can you sense how others are truly feeling, even if they are hiding the truth from everybody else?
If you think you might have empathic psychic abilities, you must develop your skills to uncover your true psychic power. Otherwise, your empathic power will never amount to anything useful.
That's good news. The bad news is that empaths can absorb the energy of those around them. Being an empath makes you particularly vulnerable to narcissists-people who view the world only through the lens of their own wants and needs. They will behave without regard to your feelings and use your empathy to manipulate you.
"Interacting with a narcissist will be fraught with danger because you will never be certain whether the person you are dealing with is using against you what you tell them or what you share with them emotionally," warns Deep in EMPATH AND NARCISSIST - THE SURVIVAL GUIDE AND LIFE STRATEGIES FOR SENSITIVE PEOPLE
Empath discusses the traits of the highly sensitive person (HSP) as well describing empaths and narcissists. Will you recognize yourself?
If you are an empath or HSP who is impacted by a narcissist-and particularly if your partner is a narcissist-Empath can help you see your situation more clearly, make decisions, and plan a safer exit if that is what you choose. If you're not sure you're in a relationship with a narcissist, read Chapter 6 for signs your partner is a narcissist.
Empath is brimming with suggestions for empaths and HSPs. The book:
- Discusses how to take care of yourself instead of trying to be someone else
- Helps you see the advantages as well as drawbacks of your personality type
- Offers suggestions for being in happy relationships in spite of your sensitivity
- Explains the toxic attraction between empaths and narcissists
- Helps you recognize if you are with a narcissist
- Teaches you the tools narcissists use to control others, such as gaslighting
- Describes the abuse cycle and the impact of abuse on victims
- Makes suggestions for living with or leaving a narcissist, including building a support network
- Walks you through handling your emotions and taking care of yourself as you recover from abuse
- Helps you recognize signs you are recovering
- Offers suggestions for living and loving post-recovery
- Trains you in avoiding other abusers
If you are ready to understand your empathic or highly sensitive nature and to stop allowing yourself to be vulnerable to those who would take advantage of that, BUY "Empath and Narcissist- The Survival Guide and Life Strategies for Sensitive People" TODAY!