Empathy is a term used to describe an intrinsic trait to recognize and share the emotions of someone else. Empathy is an evolutionary trait bearing a link with some other primates like dogs and rats. Rudimentary empathy starts developing in infants at the age of 2 with having an emotional response corresponding to that of another person.
An empath is a person with the innate ability to absorb emotions or sentiments of others.
In this book you will learn
Who exactly is an empath to enable you to know if you are actually an empath
What makes you an empath
Are you an empath or simply a highly sensitive person
What does it mean for you if you are a highly sensitive person?
If you are a highly sensitive person, how then can you cope with stimulation?
What is the best thing about being a highly sensitive person?
How to identify the various energy types that affect the empath
What are your abilities as an empath?
The different types of empaths
Exceptional insights into empaths
Great techniques to help you manage your empathic gift
Practical exercises for empaths to help you deal with the negative energy
Empathy is a condition that has for a very long time been ignored by those who know nothing about it or are just ignorant and for those affected by it, they hide in shame and fear of being ridiculed, looked down upon, or even being physically or emotionally taken advantage of. So what is empathy? How do you know whether or not you have an empathic ability?