About the Book
Are you a sensitive person who feels the emotions of others? Do you feel deeply for those who are suffering; even when they're strange people many miles away? Do wounded people gravitate towards you to open up on their issues?
Then you possess the unique gift of empathy. Life is confusing for an empath if you have not mastered your personality. That is exactly what this book seeks to offer. I have explained in great detail what it means to be an empath; what this personality type means and why you feel the way, you do.
Why does empathy feel like a burden? You must have wondered this plenty of times when things touched you so deeply yet those around you simply ignored them. This book teaches you to recognize your ability to detect the energy of people and objects, and how to utilize this ability appropriately.
Can't seem to find love? Empaths have unique challenges in the dating world. They love in unique ways and have unique needs as well. Empaths have the potential to fall into a deep, blissful love, or to end up in an abusive relationship. This book covers the intricate details of love and relationships in great length.
Why do empaths so often struggle with mental health? They carry the burdens of others, and that load can get too heavy. Self-care needs to be a priority. Here you will find a whole lot of practical tips to keep you from wearing yourself out in the process of sharing your gift.
If you are a parent with a child who is showing signs of empathy, you have come to the right place. This resource will teach you how to nurture the empath in your child and encourage that gift to blossom.
Here are the topics covered:
- Understanding empaths and empathy
- What is your Empathic Gift?
- Understanding Energy
- Spiritual Hypersensitivity
- Empaths and Work
- Love and Sex
- Practical Exercises to Enhance Empathy
- Emotional Health of an Empath
- Meditation for Empaths
- Protecting yourself from Energy Vampires
- Empathic Listening
- Physical Exercise
- Raising an empath
There could be another group of potential readers. You are not an empath but would like to understand what this personality is all about. This book covers most aspects of empaths, and will surely be an informative read.
For the empaths, this can be your handbook. You will have many experiences in the course of your empath journey, and you can always come back and refer.
Should you find this book enlightening, and I am certain you will feel free to recommend it to others. From your fellow empaths to those just seeking to understand empaths, there is something for everyone in here.
Empathy is a unique and beautiful gift. I endeavored to make you understand it, so you can make the best of it. I also went out of my way to cover the ways of safeguarding your mental health, which is of paramount importance as you deal with a myriad of emotions.
Scroll to the top of the page and select the BUY NOW Button, and start the journey of making the world brighter with your gift.