This collection contains the early poetry by David A. Folds, written between 1963 and 1971. The new publication contains the developmental writing that preceded and led to "Sights, Sounds, and Spirit - Collected Poems 1990-2015", printed in 2016.
These older poems express the emotional range of experience of being in one's twenties during the 1960s.
Some of the shorter poems, while not following Haiku requirements, have a similar feeling to Haiku - "Clarity", "Myopic", "False Hopes", "Journey", "A New Tune Introduced", and "Myself".
There are poems that use images and ideas from nature to express inner emotions - "Cloud Eclipse", "Photo Fragments", "The Golden Fleece", "The Uncontemplative", "Nocturnal", "A New Playing", and "Recluse".
Poems of heart and heartache are - "Deep Steps Retraced", "Scattered Thoughts", "Amortized", "Hidden", "Thorns", "Song to Her Dusk", "Songs of Soft Map Readings", and "Chemical Memory".
Those that express some of the turmoil of the 1960s are - "On Nil's Beach", "Drafted Sorrow", "Returning", and Electric Song".
There also are some darker poems expressing heavier feelings - "Apparitions", "The Mind At Night Moments", "Foundations of Silence", and "I Starve".