Parenting is a very tough job, but it very fulfilling seeing your kids grow into responsible ladies and gentlemen.
As an Adult Child:
- Do you feel your Parents might be Toxic?
- Do you think that you have been the adult in your Child-Parent Relationship?
- Do you feel your parents weren't emotionally ready to take care of a child, and you think you lost your childhood?
Keep reading... Emotionally immature parents are the worst form of gift a child could wish for. Children growing up under the care of such parents tend to have life-long repercussions.
As children, the need for an emotional connection is stronger, and it is also essential for a child to develop healthily. In essence, once this is absent, it can lead to an emotional void that will affect the kids in more ways than one. If you are in this situation, then understand that you are not alone.
Emotionally immature parents are unable to make real connections with their kids. They also prevent these kids from expressing the emotions they feel and may blame, criticize, and make them feel less than they are. What's more, they do not care about the emotional state of their children, all of which have a ripple effect on the kids.
Your healing should be a priority. In this book, we will be looking into who emotionally immature parents are, and all you need to know about them.
As Parent:
- Are you a Good Parent to your kids?
- Do you always understand the emotional needs of your children?
- Have you been there emotionally for your children at all times?
As a parent, you want to see your kids growing in a good way that they can communicate with them effectively in anything that affects them.
Most emotionally immature parents do not know whether they are emotionally immature. This itself is a big problem because they will always their kids to understand and obey them while they do not understand their kids. Being emotionally mature as a parent is more than just asking your kids how they are.
Parents are the first people kids contact when confused or sad. You need to be emotionally mature so that you can connect emotionally with your children for you to be a good safety net.
The goal of this book is simple: This book is a guide to help people understand the emotionally immature parents and how you can deal with them. It is also a self-test kit to parent to know I they are emotionally immature. As a reader, you will get to know more about the topic of Emotional Immaturity in Parents and its solution.
You will also learn:
● Importance of Parenting
● Personality Traits of Emotionally Immature Parents
● Deep wounds left by Emotionally Immature parents
● How Emotional wound passed on through Family Ties
● Types of Emotionally Immature Parents
● Children born Adult: Different Children reactions
● Recognizing the problem awaking from the nightmare
● Dealing with Emotionally Immature Parents Aging
● Reclaiming your freedom to be Yourself
● Healing
● How to recognize an Emotionally Mature Relationship
Are you interested in knowing more?
Download the eBook, Emotionally Immature Parents, to help yourself or a person you care about deal with Emotionally Immature Parents.
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