Have you ever wondered how narcissists manipulate people around them and always get what they want?
Your costumers will find all the information and coping methods they look for in this book, which covers Gaslighting, Narcissism and Codependency, ALL IN ONE!
On the contrary of a black eye, Gaslighting and narcissistic abuses are not tangible. Victims can live in such an emotionally destructive relationship for years before someone even notices that something's wrong.
Narcissistic abuse often leads victims to a co-dependent relationship from which they feel like it is impossible to find a way out.
''Emotional Narcissistic Abuse'' is the ultimate guide to understand, cope and heal from mental abuse from a narcissistic personality and a codependent relationship.
What is a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a mental condition characterized by egoistic admiration, perfectionism, deep need of attention and lack of empathy, which is also the reason why narcissists' relationships are usually troubled.
Family members, partners and co-workers of people who suffer from NPD are often psychologically abused and manipulated by them and the consequences can be highly damaging in the long term.
This book covers the following:
- Become an expert in recognizing narcissistic personalities
- All about the tactics that narcissistic people use to manipulate their victims: learn their secrets and beat them at their own game.
- The best ways to protect yourself from Narcissistic abuse.
- Find out everything about the Narcissist's favorite manipulation technique
- Learn the best tactics to avoid being manipulated
- A guide to cultivating self-love and build confidence, so you can thrive, break free and never find yourself in an abusive relationship again.
-The childhood patterns that can cause co-dependent tendencies in adults
-The most common signs of co-dependent relationships.
-The link between addictions and co-dependency
-The right way to detach from Codependent Influences
...And much more!
Even if you had a narcissistic partner in your past and you're still struggling to deal with the consequences, this book will give you the tools to finally move on.
Click the ''BUY NOW'' and help your costumers breaking free and finally move on!