Emotional manipulation is an historic characteristic used by numerous people since way 400 BCE. Almost everyone knows someone or a friend of someone who has been abused. Most people who are abused are females, although males can certainly endure abuse as well. So, how do people become abusers? Typically, there are several factors that play into this. If a child views or witnesses either of their parents being abused while they are growing up, or if they themselves are the victims of any sort of verbal and/or physical abuse, there is a good chance that they will grow up to become abusers themselves.
Emotions are a great part of the human existence. In fact, the overall scheme of things is a product of human emotions just as much as it is of human intellect. Emotions can relay feelings to the mind and create a want or a need, and the mind processes the need and incites the person to act on the emotion.
People have a lot in ways when it comes to dealing with emotions. Some may exercise healthy control over theirs, but unfortunately a lot of exploit emotions to get things done their way. Sadder still is the fact that the greater part of the human race remains unaware that most probably, they are being manipulated by others emotionally.
Do you know that abusive relationships can also lead to the victim feeling lonely and depressed? This is dangerous because depression can and does sometimes act as a sort of gateway into other negative types of behavior such as drug and alcohol abuse or self-inflicted abuse (i.e. self-mutilation-cutting themselves, etc.). It can also lead to thoughts of suicide. If you suspect that someone is being abused or that there might be something going on, you might want to consider having an intervention.
This book unravels how to influence people by using their emotions and mind control. Best guide with practical tips and tricks to analyze people and make him to do what you want.
In this book, You'll learn:
-Emotional Manipulation
-How to tell if you're being manipulated
-How to resist emotional manipulation
-Manipulation in relationship
-Do you think your relationship isn't manipulative? Find out!
-Mystery of human mind
-Mind Reading
-Mental Toughness
-How to raise your self-esteem level and Lot More!
If you read this book, rest assured to have more prominent understanding into your own behavior and the activities of others. You can avoid getting caught in manipulative predicament by learning the tactics most people use to manipulate emotions. You can shield yourself from this unfortunate situation and avoid doing or saying things against your will. You can go about life being true to yourself and do the things you genuinely desire.
Are you ready to explore How To Influence People By Using Their Emotions and Mind Control. Best Guide with Practical tips and Tricks to Analyze People and Make Him To Do What You Want? Press the "BUY NOW" button now and get started right away!