Discover the strategies you need to master your emotions effectively!
Ever felt angry or frustrated at someone - and snapped? Taken your own insecurities and emotive worries out on someone else to make yourself feel better? Knowing how to control these feelings and your reactions to them is known as "emotional intelligence."
We are getting richer, but less and less happy. Depression, suicide, relationship breakdowns, loneliness by choice, fear of closeness, addictions-these are clear evidence that we are getting increasingly worse when it comes to dealing with our emotions.
Life is very busy these days and decisions we take can be made rashly - without any real thought going into them - and this can lead to disaster - negativity, stress and overwhelm are just some of the consequences.
The truth is, not many people realize what EQ is really all about - or what causes its popularity to grow constantly.
Mastering our emotional intelligence should be high on the scale of our personal development skills but, all too often, we neglect it.
Imagine being able to gain back control of your life. Imagine living a happy life with confidence.
Emotional Intelligence is a skill and can be learned through constant practice and training
Emotional intelligence directly impacts the way we formulate personal decisions, the way we mange behavior and our ability to maneuver through social complexities Emotionally intelligent people are open to new experiences, can show appropriate feelings in any situation, either good or bad, and find it easy to socialize with other people and establish new contacts.
They handle stress well, say "no" easily, realistically assess the achievements of themselves or others, and are not afraid of constructive criticism and taking calculated risks. They are successful.
In this guide, you will discover:
- The basics - the whys, whats, and hows of emotive control
- The most common challenges to overcome - and the strategies to use
- How to Forgive Yourself and How to Forgive Others
- Poor social skills successfully improved - what you need to know
- Benefits of mastering your emotional intelligence - notice the difference
- Boosting your self-esteem - proven ways to hack your emotional competence
- How To Deal With Your Internal Dialogues
- Body language - killer applications to help you read the secret signals
Every chapter covers different areas of emotional intelligence and shows you, step by step exactly what you can do to develop your EQ and become the better version of yourself.
The emotional revolution contained in this book will help you redefine who you are and what you really want from life!
Click the buy button and become the better version of yourself!