Interested In Knowing More About Yourself And What Drives Your Passion? Then Don't Miss Out On This Powerful Tool To Tame Your Thoughts And Emotions, And Live The Fulfilling Life You Deserve!
They say that we, people, are solely responsible for our actions. And that's true. However, many times these actions are based on our emotions, or the influence of a certain state we are in while taking them.
We are proud of some, but for others we feel sorry... It's part of human nature to make mistakes, but giving credit to emotions every time we mess up is an excuse we cannot always count on...
In the end, it's a matter of choice... the choice to make it right... the choice to understand your feelings and inner thoughts... to take control of yourself...
Learning to manage how you feel and how you express your feelings is not a fantasy, but truly an attainable goal...
And With The Help Of This Book, You Are About To Explore What It Means To Be Emotionally Intelligent Both In Your Personal And Professional Life!
By the time you close the last page of This Book, you will:
- Understand The Core Human Emotions and get to know how to recognize them in different situations (and that will empower you to understand your behavior a lot easier)
- Go Through The Path Of Knowing Yourself Better and build one of the strongest skills of our time (hint: self-awareness, with many practical tips)
- Start Looking Inwards with the help of introspection and tap into the depths of personal knowledge (which you never knew was there)
- Learn How Empathy can not only cure anxiety but also lift you up to excel in your work life (become a better employee, a better team player, a better leader...)
- Go Through A Powerful 60-day Training Program that will aid you to redefine how you feel, think, and live for the better (only those who did not try did not succeed)
- And So Many Other Painfully Beneficial Topics!
There is no easy fix to emotional struggle, or instantly solve your problems, but...
Through the so-called EQ 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence), you will make the first step to an amazing rest-of-your-life story, worthwhile telling and preaching to your grandchildren.
But the first step is knowing yourself. And This Resourceful Book Will Guide You To Find The Perfect Balance Between Inner Peace And The External World.
Start Living Each Day Of Your Life To Its Fullest...
... Order Your Copy And Meet Yourself In Person!