We are all born with the power to sense emotions in others. It may be a basic survival skill for humans and animals. This ability usually subsides in childhood as we learn to focus more on verbal cues than emotional ones.
Emotional Intelligence is one of the foremost fundamental skills your kids need. It is a unique ability that can help your children to relate with their friends and older adults better.
Just imagine your kid being able to help those people around them feel happy by forseeing their supposition and managing them before they know... wouldn't they be a step ahead?
Emotional intelligence pertains to the emotional, personal, and social dimensions of intelligence. It comprises abilities related to understanding oneself and others, relating to people, adapting to changing environmental demands, and managing emotions.
The good news is you can teach your child to develop Emotional Intelligence....
In this special guide - "Emotional Intelligence For Kids", you will learn how to raise an emotionally ıntelligent child, enrich the bonds between you and your child, and most importantly, contribute ımmensely to the development of a generation of emotionally healthy adults.
Highlighted below is a breakdown of what to expect:
- Understanding emotional ıntelligence in children
- Why emotional ıntelligence ıs vital for teenagers
- Kid's giftedness and great mind concept
- Early signs of giftedness
- How to nurture creativity in creative kids
- Raising thinkers
- Helping your child build emotional and social skills
- Handling your child's emotional crises with eft
- Fathers ınfluence on their child's development emotional ıntelligence
- Fostering a secure haven emotional resilience to life's stressors
- Teaching empathy to kids
- Raising successful, generous, responsible children
- Exercise to make your kids smarter
- Top sports help your child's mental development
- Educational games
- Memory techniques for teenagers to ıncrease their mental ıntelligence
- And so much more...
Inside this guide, you will learn why how to help your children become aware of their emotions, increase their EQ in the following areas emotions, shyness, self-esteem, social anxiety, and relationships.
Also, you will discover how you can teach your children to handle their feelings, release destructive emotions and empower the positive ones, make others feel good with them, get rid of people's judgments, and develop strong rapport and social skills with others.
So, do not hesitate to get a copy of "Emotional Intelligence For Kids" NOW!