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The solution to deal with negative emotions is the EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE COMPLETE GUIDE
In this 7 in 1 book, you will find:
Book 1 - Money Management for Beginners - 25 Rules To Manage Money And Life With Success
Book 2 - Personal Finance - 25 Rules To Manage Your Money And Assets Like Rich People
Book 3 - Mental Toughness - 7 Secrets To Set Your Mind To Achieve Money And Success
Book 4 - Procrastination Cure - 7 Secrets To Manage Your Time Using Your Mind
Book 5 - Master Your Emotions - Learn How To Use Your Mind To Control Your Feelings
Book 6 - Personal Self Help - 7 Secrets To Develop Your Mind And Achieve Your Dreams
Book 7 - Positive Thinking - 25 Rules To Grow Your Mind And Achieve Success In Life
① The Role Of The Mind In Managing Money
② From A 'scarce' Mindset To abundance MINDSET
③ Managing Your Money Better With The Right Mindfulness
④ 25 Practical Financial Rules To Get The Best Value In Life
① The Concept of Emotional Intelligence in Business
② Rules about Managing Personal Finance (7 rules ] TIPS)
③ Rules about Engaging in Financial Research
④ External Factors in Your Life
① Money and your attitude towards it
② Assets and liabilities
③ Step out of the norm
④ Respect your time
① Interaction of the mind and time
② Successful time management
③ How focus can increase productivity
④ Setting routines
★ Can the mind really control emotions?
★ How can you unlock the power of your mind? - 8 RULES
★ Take charge! 10 ways to take absolute control of your mind
★ Using the mind control to check your feelings - 5 GOLDEN RULES
★ Applying The Right Mindset To Achieve Your Dreams
★ Let Go Of Fear And Self-doubt
★ Identify Your Purpose
★Follow Every Inspiration With Actions
★ Use Positive Thinking and Mindset for Directing Positive Behavior
★ Halting Negative and Destructive Thoughts in Their Tracks
★ Get Rid of Toxic Relationships
★ Stop Worrying
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