This powerful story during World War II begins in the Dutch East Indies, where Ruth and Kareen Van-derwal are sex slaves of the Japanese. The twins must escape!
So starts this far-reaching drama of love, murder, greed, power, hate, sex, and scientists experimenting with genetics in this apocalyptic science fiction novel that ends in the present day.
Scientists from La Fatal develop intelligent half-men and half-animals. Products of genetic manipulation, these creatures extract their "special" revenge by ripping out the throats of their enemies and by blowing up laboratories after other half-creatures are taken, tortured, and murdered.
In an effort by nations to grab global control, the competing influences include astrology, terrorism, superpowers, Christianity, the Islamic Movement, steamy spies and assassins, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, covert operations, the underworld, and incredible savagery.
Could Emmanuel have the answers? Or, do the intelligent half-men and half-animals hold the secrets? Or, do both of them?