My name is Mollie, and for twelve years, I was obsessed with losing weight.
That's right: obsessed.
I woke up with it, I went to bed with it, I lived with it. I read, and read, and read-and I tried every method I could find to lose weight. Then, one day, I finally figured it out: a very, very fast weight loss method that kept my motivation high and my feelings of deprivation low.
My weight loss and weight maintenance method is a combination of several methods, and therein lies its power. I have never read a book or heard a testimonial from anyone who has lost weight as fast as I did while using this method, which I call the Emergency Diet. The results are much faster than the kind of loss promised by diet pills, workouts and calorie counting combined, and this weight loss method is one-of-a-kind; you will not find this information anywhere else .
I truly don't think the human body can lose weight faster than this.
I regularly, consistently lost over half a pound a day in my losing phase, and I was not very heavy to begin with. And this was not water weight, either. This was fat, and it stayed off permanently every time-including after having my first baby, when I lost 35 pounds in 60 days without breastfeeding.
The best part, though: I don't obsess about food anymore. I like my body. I don't feel embarrassed to go out after a long day of eating and drinking because I feel bloated. I don't have to wait for a "flat stomach day" or "good body week" to let myself leave the house. I make last-minute plans with my friends and wear fitted tops.
And I truly feel great about how I look.
Here's just some of what you'll find in this book:
Part One: Diet Past: My experiences with dieting and how I discovered the Emergency Diet
Part Two: Diet Present: What the Emergency Diet is and why it works, including: "What Are the Health Benefits of This Method?," "How Does It Work?," "Sample Menus," "Sample Eating Schedules" and "How Much Weight Will I Lose?"
Part Three: Diet Future: How the Emergency Diet will work for you, including: "Why Quick Weight Loss?," "How Can I Speed Up My Loss Even Further?," "What Are the Potential Pitfalls I Should Watch Out For?," "How Can I Make This Diet Easier?" and "How Should I Begin?"
For more information, visit