For the past 25 years, I have had the honor of standing in a pulpit and preaching to those who would gather for worship. I have never overestimated, nor underestimated, the place of preaching in worship. I have always known that preaching was my part; but it was only a part, of the whole worship experience. There have been many days, I am sure, that God spoke as much through the hymns, prayers, musicians or even the silence, as much as God spoke through my words. On the best of days, God's voice could be heard from the Prelude to the Postlude. In fact, maybe it was even heard during the offering. Yes, on the best days, when the church gathers for worship, God speaks from beginning to end.
As much as I know God is speaking through all of us, when we gather for worship, I am also aware that to be the one who will dare stand in a pulpit and proclaim, "Thus sayeth the Lord," is an enormous responsibility. I have taken this responsibility seriously. In my attempt to offer my best I know there have been times when I have failed. Yet, the routine of the pastor/preacher is to remember that as soon as the amen is offered, "Sunday is a coming," and the process, listening, studying, observing, praying and writing, begins all over again. It is these brave individuals, who would week in and week out, stand in that precarious place, the pulpit, and speak, who have inspired me and encouraged me during my ministry.
One aspect of the sermon became apparent to me early in my ministry. I quickly discovered that each sermon is its own particular event. A sermon is not preached in a vacuum. A person preaches the sermon to people at a certain time, in a particular place and setting. Only those who preach know the feeling of the moment when all of these factors come together for a moment of worship and sensing of God's Spirit in that moment. This is why many sermons just don't travel well. Many times, I have been asked to preach at a Revival, or School Chapel setting, only to discover that the sermon I had reworked for that setting did not work. This is why I have been reluctant to publish my sermons over the years, although many have encouraged me to do so.
This book is an adaptation of a sermon series I preached to my congregation, Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The original setting was the beginning of a New Year. This series encouraged us to begin the New Year with God and end with God. It reminded us not to go into the New Year alone. This sermon series encouraged us to remember that the journey is as important as the destination.
I hope that this book will help you to embrace your own journey with Christ. I hope that these sermons travel well.