In the heart of a remote island, police officer Darío Rivera and his superior, Chief Segismundo Aponte, confront a chilling and unprecedented crisis: the disappearance and mutilation of newborns. As a series of abductions sends shockwaves through isolated communities, the mystery deepens, revealing a sinister underworld of illegal organ trafficking.
Darío, known for his impeccable marksmanship but untested in lethal force, finds himself plunged into a nightmarish investigation. When the newborn son of Pancho and Samara vanishes, leaving behind only cryptic clues and a grieving family, the case takes a dark turn. The meticulous removal of the baby's organs points to a highly skilled, yet malevolent, hand.
Enter Julio, a disgraced surgeon with a history of unorthodox practices and a sinister fascination with organ extraction. Alongside his equally twisted partner, Papote, Julio orchestrates a clandestine network for harvesting and selling the organs of the youngest and most innocent victims. Their macabre enterprise thrives in the shadows, evading the grasp of law enforcement.
As the investigation unfolds, Rosalinda, Julio's wife, becomes an unwitting pawn in his dark schemes. Her discoveries and growing suspicions about Julio's true nature set her on a collision course with a horrifying truth that could shatter her world. Torn between loyalty and a quest for justice, Rosalinda's journey reveals the depths of human depravity and the fragile line between love and monstrosity.
Ellipsis is a gripping and haunting thriller that delves into the darkest corners of human ambition and moral corruption. With each revelation, the stakes rise, leading to a heart-pounding climax that questions the very essence of humanity. This novel is a must-read for fans of crime fiction and psychological thrillers, promising a harrowing and unforgettable experience.