Your child is ready to complete his or her primary homeschool programs, which means you need a challenging Social Studies curriculum. myWorld Social Studies: Grade 5B/6 is the final stage in the myWorld Social Studies series. The curriculum for homeschooling uses the best in educational research and effective storytelling techniques to ensure your child completes his or her primary education with a solid grasp of the subject.
This step in myWorld Social Studies continues right where Grade 5A left off, giving both you and your child a seamless transition from one curriculum to the next. Additionally, the program will set your child up for their secondary educational journey. By the time you reach the conclusion of myWorld Social Studies, your child should be able to:
- Use a variety of source types (such as first-hand accounts, textbooks, both fiction and nonfiction texts, etc.) to deepen his or her understanding of important historic events.
- Understand that not all accounts are accurate and discern between a reliable and unreliable narrator.
- Display understanding of current events by completing assignments and reports on timely topics.
- Recall the roots of modern civilization, including facts on ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
- Understand two sides of world events (such as wars).
- Recount the development of the American colonies and how they became a nation.
- Participate in community service events.
- Understand local, state and national governments, and how they work both independently and together.
The myWorld Social Studies homeschool program aims to help your child become an active, engaged and responsible citizen while simultaneously learning about important historic events. Additionally, your child will understand geography and how it connects to other areas of Social Studies. For more information about the specific items included in myWorld Social Studies: Grade 5B/6, visit the Features and Benefits page.Growth Of Our Country (5B) The heart and soul of myWorld Social Studies is the myStory System. We began with the world s oldest educational technique storytelling and applied the latest educational research to create a ground-breaking approach to Social Studies instruction.
We connect to students emotions through stories, preparing them to learn, focusing on Social Studies content while reinforcing literacy instruction. Meaningful discussion questions and videos related to the questions will keep your child interested and engaged.
myWorld Social Studies is a comprehensive K-6 social studies curriculum designed to lay the ground work for civic competence, so that students develop the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be active, engaged, and responsible citizens. myWorld Social Studies helps students become actively engaged in Social Studies content through experiences that personalize instruction and make learning meaningful as well as fun.
**Please note, some of the product components will be labeled as 5B**
Pearson creates education materials for all types of learners. When creating a program, we ensure that the material will be accessible to as many students as possible and as such, we create many ancillary products to fit specific situations to meet a variety of needs. While there are many components to each of our overall educational programs, some of these ancillaries do not meet the needs of homeschoolers, others do not make sense in a homeschool environment and some require an expensive technological infrastructure to deploy. The homeschool product configurations, while selected from a larger program, are complete curriculum bundles designed for your children to be engaged and to thrive, while being mindful of your budget. It is important to note that at times there will be resources mentioned throughout your materials that are