By opting to homeschool your child, you're taking control of how he or she learns. Rather than have your child memorize facts, myWorld Social Studies keeps him or her engaged by using storytelling techniques.
History, government, citizenship and geography can all be fun subjects, especially if presented in a way that activates your child's emotional and cognitive mental centers. The myWorld Social Studies materials were designed using the latest educational research, so you can rest easy knowing your child will get the stimulation he or she needs to truly enjoy learning.
The program contains tons of great subject-matter information and tools to help you design interesting lesson plans. By the end of the school year, your child should be able to:
- Understand the ways a community can affect the economy.
- Use numerous mediums (such as art, videos and fiction) to share information learned during the program.
- Differentiate between state and local government.
- Recognize and discuss important dates and holidays in American history.
- Discover and identify fluctuations in his or her state's population.
- Recall important dates and figures in local history, putting them in chronological order.
- Use relevant sources (i.e., encyclopedias and textbooks) when looking up information on historic people and events.
- Use information gained through research to form unique opinions on Social Studies topics.
myWorld Social Studies: Grade 4 is a natural continuation in your child's Social Studies education. The knowledge he or she gains in the program will build a foundation before he or she moves on to the next Grade level.
Additionally, the materials used in myWorld Social Studies: Grade 4 will support you as you plan lessons. For more information on everything included in this curriculum for homeschooling, visit the Features and Benefits page.
Grade 4 - Regions of Our Country The heart and soul of myWorld Social Studies is the myStory System. We began with the world s oldest educational technique storytelling and applied the latest educational research to create a ground-breaking approach to Social Studies instruction.
We connect to students emotions through stories, preparing them to learn, focusing on Social Studies content while reinforcing literacy instruction. Meaningful discussion questions and videos related to the questions will keep your child interested and engaged.
myWorld Social Studies is a comprehensive K-6 social studies curriculum designed to lay the ground work for civic competence, so that students develop the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to be active, engaged, and responsible citizens. myWorld Social Studies helps students become actively engaged in Social Studies content through experiences that personalize instruction and make learning meaningful as well as fun.
Pearson creates education materials for all types of learners. When creating a program, we ensure that the material will be accessible to as many students as possible and as such, we create many ancillary products to fit specific situations to meet a variety of needs. While there are many components to each of our overall educational programs, some of these ancillaries do not meet the needs of homeschoolers, others do not make sense in a homeschool environment and some require an expensive technological infrastructure to deploy. The homeschool product configurations, while selected from a larger program, are complete curriculum bundles designed for your children to be engaged and to thrive, while being mindful of your budget. It is important to note that at times there will be resources mentioned throughout your materials that are not included in your package, however this will not hinder your child's successful completion of the course.